South Tahoe looking for input on Green Building Program

To the community,

The city of South Lake Tahoe has prepared a draft Green Building Program. This voluntary incentive program will encourage the transformation of the city’s built environment to achieve energy efficiency, water conservation, healthy indoor air quality, and reduced impact on the Earth’s resources.

A description of the draft Green Building Program is posted on the city’s website. Click here or the review the proposed draft Green Building Program. Comments on the program will be taken through Sept. 1. Comments may be submitted in writing or given orally during the following public hearings:

City Planning Commission, Aug. 12 at 3pm, City Council Chambers, 1901 Airport Road or the Sustainability Commission on Sept. 1 at 4pm, City Council Chambers, 1901 Airport Road.

Please contact me at (530) 542.6024 with any questions or written comments.

Thank you,

Hilary Hodges, planning manager South Lake Tahoe