Wild animals on stage tonight on South Shore

On Aug. 19 at 7pm, Barbie and Gabe of Wild Things bring native Sierra Nevada animals on stage at the U.S. Forest Service Taylor Creek Visitor Center.

This program gives people the opportunity to learn more about these fascinating animals, which could include a black bear yearling, bald eagle, beaver, great horned owl, turkey vulture or rattlesnake, depending on the health and general attitude of the animals that day. Most of these animals were taken in injured and can’t be released back to the wlld.

Do not bring pets to this program.

The local U.S. Forest Service’s nonprofit organization Tahoe Heritage Foundation accepts a $2 per person donation to help defray costs. This one-hour educational program, great for the whole family, takes place at the center’s Lake of the Sky Amphitheater, located on Highway 89 toward Emerald Bay.