Gorman pays South Tahoe overdue TOT


Updated: Sept. 13, 2010, 3:45pm.

By Kathryn Reed

Lake Tahoe South Shore Chamber of Commerce Executive Director B Gorman wrote a check to South Lake Tahoe for nearly $1,000 on Sept. 9 for the transient occupancy tax she had not paid since last December.

Gorman did not return a phone call seeking comment.

B Gorman

B Gorman

The city Finance Department allows people to self-report what is due.

Gorman’s payment comes one day after Lake Tahoe News reported she was operating a vacation rental out of her home without permits or paying taxes.

The city assessed $100 in fines on the $633 in back TOT she paid. The room tax is 10 percent, so the Gormans collected more than $6,000 in rent.

The city did not issue her a permit because Gorman told officials she was getting out of the room rental business.

Patrick Atherton, president of the chamber board, said on Sept. 9 that it is an internal matter for the board to decide if any action should be taken regarding Gorman’s behavior.

While that is true, it is not a decision that can be done solely behind closed doors because the chamber is funded with public money. Annually it receives cash from Douglas County. It has received geotourism grant dollars from El Dorado County. The most recent South Lake Tahoe money was for the wayfinding program. Federal money is coming in the chamber’s coffers for the Prosperity Plan.


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Comments (10)
  1. dogwoman says - Posted: September 10, 2010

    I’m so disappointed in this whole situation. She’s paid for what she owed since last December? Who’s to say how long this has been going on? I actually like B very much, but this is SO wrong. I’m getting so tired of the people who run our city, our state, and our country, always turning out to be crooks. And they say they’re sorry, it was a mistake, and they get away with it.

  2. Steven says - Posted: September 10, 2010

    Isn’t this ridiculous! Let the fox watch the hen house! The county does the same thing, they allow the owners or management companies to “self report” how much tax is due on the vacation rentals! Obviously as this case shows, you can’t trust anyone.

  3. Brendan says - Posted: September 10, 2010

    dogwoman, who seems to have been sitting judgement on this blog for quite some time, is a moron. “…I actually like B very much….” What a load of Schadenfreude crap. If you actually liked B, you would be reaching out to her to offer your help, rather than sniping at her on Kae’s angry, frustrated little “listen to me, dammit” joke of a “news” blog. The power of the press lies with those who own the press; in this case, it’s Kae laying claim to “news” on her website. That is all.

  4. Locals Unite says - Posted: September 10, 2010

    There’s a very old saying from John Wooden that any man can make mistakes but he isn’t a failure until he starts blaming someone else.

    If she paid the money the story is proven to be true. Your anger Brendon should be at the person who deceived you, but that’s hard to face so its easier to throw stones instead.

  5. Parker says - Posted: September 10, 2010

    Well is the City going to pay Kae a finders fee as obviously B wouldn’t have paid the City anything if it wasn’t for the story?! And is B now taking out a business license? And is B now handing over her records so the City can audit them?

  6. dogwoman says - Posted: September 11, 2010

    How would you like me to help, Brendan? I didn’t comment on the original story because of liking B. But as pointed out by another blogger, the fact that she paid up is an admission of guilt. And if you actually READ my post it isn’t specifically pointed at B, it’s directed at our whole “ruling class” and the way the people we count on so often are turning out to be less than honest.
    Thanks for calling me a moron, by the way. Nicest thing anyone has said to me all day.

  7. GladysK says - Posted: September 11, 2010

    This is too bad. B is supposed to be a role model for our business community. I’m certain that she is not the only offender. She just happens to be in a high profile position. This is just further evidence that our area is overdue for change. I’m grateful to LTN for bringing this issue to our attention and providing an open forum to discuss it. It is our duty as citizens to get involved and contribute to our community. We need to speak up, offer solutions and create change.

    Here’s an idea: What if we (concerned citizens) start a volunteer watchdog group to monitor the vacation rentals in SLT? TOT is a much needed revenue source for the City. They probably do not have the budget to look into rentals operating without a license. The group could check into online listings and cross reference that with the finance dept. to see if they have a business license. No one likes to squeal on their neighbor but our city needs that revenue to fund programs that benefit all of us.

    @Brenden – Sadly, your attitude is part of the collective problem. Complaining and name calling is not constructive and it is disrespectful. And, if you feel that you can do a better job delivering the local news, THEN DO IT!! Otherwise, shut your pie hole. No one wants to listen to your pointless rant.

  8. Billie Jo McAfee says - Posted: September 12, 2010

    Unfortunately B & her husband chose the “Do it till you get caught, and maybe nothing will happen” attitude. I think we are all tired of this. This blatant business malpractice has cost the city (all of us) in lost revenue. Were they truthful to their insurance company, the IRS? Did they feel they could choose South Lake Tahoe to take advantage of because there is disorganization, along with tracking problems concerning this type of revenue? If we continually see no real repercussions….can we all do this, as long as we have the same attitude?

  9. Steven says - Posted: September 12, 2010

    Since the city does not want to spend the money to hire someone or someones to over see the assessment and payment of the TOT these vacation nightmares supposedly generate, tell us, the neighbors who put up with these neighborhood destroying motels, what info is needed to track how often they are rented so the correct amount of TOT can be collected. Our neighborhoods are being destroyed by these vacation rentals for the purpose of TOT and yet no one is overseeing the assessment and collection of the TOT!!!! More city baloney!!!!

  10. Parker says - Posted: September 12, 2010

    Hey didn’t the City a couple years ago create a new position, a pretty well-paid position in fact, to enforce Vacation Rental laws? Didn’t they charge the law-abiding vacation rentals an added fee for this? Where’s that person and what is he or she doing to enforce the laws? Or did the City just keep the added revenue to maintain its bloated bureeacracy?