Lake Tahoe News: Thank you for a wonderful first year

Thank you.

Without all of you, Lake Tahoe News would not be celebrating its one-year anniversary today.

LTNThe proverbial they say it takes a village to do just about anything. That sentiment is certainly true when it comes to operating a successful 24/7 news site.

It’s readers, sources, writers, comment contributors, advertisers, financial donors, news tipsters, friends and family who make LTN what it is. It’s a collaborative effort – even if your contribution is only to read stories. I use the word “only” lightly because if no one is reading the stories, then there is no point in what we do.

Lake Tahoe News has more than 25,000 readers a month in more than 50 countries and more than 1,000 cities. It’s not just people living in Lake Tahoe who care about Lake Tahoe. This point is evident by the millions who visit each year, the thousands who have second homes, and the billions of dollars that are spent in keeping the water pristine and the mountains healthy.

Lake Tahoe isn’t perfect. No place is. Lake Tahoe News isn’t perfect. No media outlet is. But what the basin and LTN have in common are the desire and struggle to be better than we were the day before.

Our first major story was the parade through South Lake Tahoe celebrating the release of Jaycee Lee Dugard after 18 years of captivity. It’s a story that is likely to be on the website for years to come. It’s a story that touches the core of humanity.

We will continue to bring you a mix of stories that capture what is going on in the basin, along with articles involving issues that affect people connected to the basin.

We are always looking for contributors via guest columns, freelance writers or story ideas. Email if you want to contribute.

We are also always looking for advertisers. With Lake Tahoe News being the only place to get news about Lake Tahoe seven days a week, and the readers near and far, it’s the logical medium to reach your clients/customers. Rates are on the website – just hit the Advertise button.

We are always grateful for checks that arrive in the mail or cash via PayPal as a donation.

We will continue to offer free subscriptions. Just go to the Home page, near the bottom right add your email address. This will give you an email every morning listing what has been posted in the last 24 hours. Scan the headlines or click on one to get the full story.

Personally, the biggest story of the year was losing my Dad unexpectedly in April. He was a faithful reader of LTN – a subscriber. He and Mom made the first monetary donation to LTN. But it wasn’t ever about the money. It was great to discuss stories with him. He was a retired construction consultant, an engineer – oh, the dialog we had about the stalled convention center. He read the whole operating agreement. I wonder how many council members or city employees have. He would call to say a link was broken. He would want to know stats about readers. He asked about ad sales. Sometimes I felt like he should have been the publisher. Mom brought a bottle of Champagne with her this past weekend to toast Lake Tahoe News’ first year. Both of my parents have a lot to do with the success of Lake Tahoe News. I can’t thank them enough.

I can’t thank all of you enough. Here’s to all of you!

Kathryn Reed, Lake Tahoe News publisher