Opinion: Going backward on tax law kills jobs
By Gail Maderis
When you’re out of work, what you need most is a job. When more than 12 percent of Californians are out of work, what California needs most is to keep the jobs we have and to bring in new jobs. So when something like Proposition 24 puts new jobs and existing jobs at risk, is that what California needs most? No.
You’ll hear talk from the Prop. 24 people about tax loopholes. But 24 isn’t just a slogan – if it passes, it will be a law.
And that law would undo three targeted, common-sense tax reforms put in place to do exactly what’s needed most now – keep the jobs we have, encourage new hiring and jump-start our economy.
Gail Maderis is president and CEO of BayBio, a Northern California association of biotechnology companies.