Opinion: Like having a job? You’ll love Prop. 23

By James Kellogg

My labor union supports Proposition 23 for one simple reason: It will protect the jobs of millions of hard-working California men and women.

Prop. 23 will temporarily suspend some very expensive, job-killing regulations under the state’s global warming law, AB32 – regulations that even folks advocating immediate implementation of those rules admit will cost jobs. Ironically, those same folks go out of their way to avoid talking about global warming, which the law is about in the first place. Why? Because they know that California acting alone can’t reduce global warming but that voters care about jobs. So they’re bending over backward to try to make voters believe – inaccurately – that the global warming law was a jobs bill all along.

A jobs bill for where – China? India? Certainly not for California. The facts should send every working Californian running to vote “yes” on 23.

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James Kellogg is the international representative of the United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry.