Opinion: Prop. 25 is not real reform
By Arthur Bruzzone
All Californians want an on-time and balanced budget. We all agree on that.
But Proposition 25 is not real reform. The real agenda of the Sacramento politicians backing Prop. 25 is to enable the Legislature to more easily pass wasteful spending through borrowed billions and through budget gimmicks. Prop. 25 will intensify, not alleviate, our budget crisis.
Prop. 25 is the latest attempt by Sacramento politicians to deceive voters into giving them additional unbridled power. These are the same politicians who have raised our taxes and burdened us with runaway spending. In the end, the problem with California’s state budget isn’t the process – it’s the politicians. Real reform will come only when we clean house in Sacramento, not amend our state Constitution to make it easier to pass unbalanced budgets.
Arthur Bruzzone of San Francisco is a former member of the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission.