Probyn denied claim by state agency

By Bay City News Service

SAN FRANCISCO — The California Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board voted unanimously today to reject a claim by the mother of kidnap victim Jaycee Dugard for emotional and psychological injury caused by her daughter’s abduction, a spokeswoman for the board said.

Government claims and victim compensation are two distinct programs, both overseen by the board, spokeswoman Janice Mackey said.

Terry Probyn

Terry Probyn

Dugard’s mother, Terry Probyn, filed her claim with the board as a government claim against the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, Mackey said.

In the claim, Probyn said she was psychologically and emotionally injured by “various lapses by the Corrections Department contributing to daughter Jaycee Dugard’s continued captivity, ongoing sexual assault and mental and/or physical abuse.”

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