Questioning why Grego won’t produce lease agreement
To the publisher,
When the City Council approved redevelopment area two and questioned whether or not Councilman [Bruce] Grego should vote on R/D area two because his law office is in the area, the city attorney said Grego wasn’t in conflict; his lease agreement was month-to-month. When I asked to see a copy of the lease, the city attorney said the lease was a verbal lease. To cloud the issue, Grego’s landlord is a client of Grego.
In my attempts to discover the term of the lease on Sept. 8, 2010, I made a public records request addressed to the city attorney. On Sept. 21, 2010, the city attorney replied saying that the bottom line is “… there is no public record that the city has access to and consequently cannot give you a copy.” In reading the reply, I conclude that Grego continues to sandbag which raises a question of his ethical conduct. Whom does he serve as a councilmember? His private interest? His landlord’s interest? Who knows? It seems not the public’s when he will not disclose the terms of the lease.
I enclose a copy of the city attorney’s letter [see below] so that the public can judge for itself the nature of Grego’s conduct.
Bill Crawford, citizen and South Lake Tahoe City Council member
The following is the Sept. 21, 2010, letter from City Attorney Patrick Enright to Councilman Bill Crawford:
I am in receipt of your letter dated September 8, 2010 requesting a copy of the agreement or other documentation of Council Member Grego’s office space lease of his law practice. Neither the City, nor myself has a copy of the lease or any other documentation. I have requested a copy from Council Member Grego on several occasions, but the only document that he has shown me is a brief statement from his landlord stating he and Mr. Grego have an oral month-to-month lease. Mr. Grego refused to give me the document or allow me to make a copy. Therefore, there is no public record that the City has access to and consequently cannot give you a copy.
Obviously he is hiding something or is a liar. In any case, it is a conflict of interest.
So, why didn’t City Council overide the City Attorney’s decision and have Mr. Grego not vote until a lease was produced? To have a City Council not on the same page does South Lake Tahoe no good, Bill.
Would Grego’s non-vote have altered the decision? Who is his landlord and why does Crawford think there is an impropriety?
Since each of the council members live and/or work in the city, does Crawford believe they have a conflict and should not vote on any issue which affects the city?
State law dictates parameters for when elected officials can vote on an issue based on where they live, work and own property as it relates to the issue. This is so they would not benefit from their vote.
Search on Grego on LTN and you will find a story about his work to evict Broc’s Puppies. This story speaks to who his landlord is. There are other stories on LTN as well regarding the lease issue.
Yes, if he could not vote on RDA 2, the outcome would have been different.
Kathryn Reed, LTN publisher
The arrogance of the City Council just boggles the mind. As elected officials, they are supposed to hold themselves to a higher standard. Not get away with whatever they can.
I’m dreaming. I know.
Bruce Grego strives to maintain the general populations low opinion of lawyers and the legal profession. He constantly typifies through his actions and the distain he shows to those he is supposed represent, the conduct of the lowest forms of humanity. He is like a slug leaving his trail of slime through our community, repugnant.
Welcome to South Lake Bell, CA
OMG!!!!! on top of this guy you still have Cole, with Tom Davis to come.
What part of the term “oral lease” do you not understand, Mr. Crawford?
C’mon now. Its an oral lease so he can avoid strict interpretations of conflict of interest. But he is supposed to avoid even the APPEARANCE of conflicts.
He shouldh have recused himself.
Alex not too long ago this summer, saw Tom Davis at the state-line clinic,had to laugh cause couple people in the waiting area were hoping he have to sit with us locals ,you know,” get a mouth full honest opinion’s !!”
The “SOB” never had to even sit down, went right through to the fat boys weight scale to check Deli meat hang over…
You should heard what the people in line had to say about that who been sitting there for over an hour…..???
f7!k H@m…..I had to laugh out loud.
Needs that council job for 600 a month to feed the gut!
h – why say cruel things about people? Do you have nothing constructive to say, or are you just mean-spirited?
When Tom Davis was last on the City Council he was a strong supporter of families with children who live in Sierra Tract. At that time our neighborhood was dangerous for children because of the “locals” who used it as a high-speed shortcut. The police, though shorthanded, put out extra patrols and often clocked speeders at 50 mph (or more) on the 25 mph residential streets. However, the police didn’t (and still don’t) have the manpower to provide the presence that would cause speeders to think twice.
Sierra Tract families joined with the police to beg the City Engineer to install stop signs to break up the shortcuts. The City Engineer refused. We brought our case to the the City Council, and Mr. Davis stood up for us and voted to have the city install the stop signs throughout our neighborhood. His action quieted the streets of the Sierra Tract and made the streets a safe place for children to play. His support improved the quality of life for the residents of this part of town.
Tom Davis looked out for locals. He is the kind of man everyone says they want on the city council. I hope everyone in Sierra Tract (and throughout the city) votes for him next month. And h, I hope you apologize for the mean things you said about him.
Tell that to the people common cents….$
We don’t need another old screw on the council.