Tahoe ski resorts looking for local employees

By Kara LaPoint, Reno Gazette-Journal

It’s only September, but the time has come for those seeking resort employment this ski season to start thinking about winter.

ski resorts“We’re at that transition point, where summer operations are winding down, and we’re looking ahead to winter season,” said Kirt Zimmer, director of marketing for Tahoe Donner Association.

Hiring time is just around the corner, and resorts around the Tahoe area are gearing up for annual job fairs and assessing their employment outlook for the coming season. Overall, resorts said they’re looking to hire at least as many employees as last year, and in some cases more. At several resorts, new developments are the reason for an increase in positions.

While demographics vary, many resorts have indicated that local employees will comprise the bulk of their staffs.

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