TRCD board looking for members
South Lake Tahoe-based not-for-profit environmental organization Tahoe Resource Conservation District is seeking two board members to serve on its five-person board of directors.
New board members, appointed by the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors, will serve voluntary, four-year terms from Nov. 30, 2010 through Nov. 30, 2014. Interested applicants are required to reside and own property in the Lake Tahoe Basin in either Placer or El Dorado counties and are asked to submit a letter of interest along with a county committee application (available online ) to the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors by Nov. 1.
Decisions regarding new board members are expected to be announced the week of Nov. 15.
Current board members have a diverse set of backgrounds, with experience in not-for-profit management, private business, education, resource management and real estate. New applicants or anyone from the general public is invited to attend Tahoe RCD board meetings, the next one is Oct. 12.
Tahoe RCD’s mission is to promote the conservation and improvement of the Lake Tahoe Basin’s soil, water, and related natural resources by providing leadership, information, programs, and technical assistance to all land managers, owners, organizations, and residents. Tahoe RCD is a non-regulatory, grant funded, not-for-profit agency that works with a variety of partner agencies to implement programs and outreach, which currently focus on erosion control, runoff infiltration, terrestrial and aquatic invasive species control, and conservation landscaping.