2 El Dorado County sheriff’s candidates in final lap


By Carlos Alcalá, Sacramento Bee

One of the area’s longest-running local elections – a two-year marathon – is nearing the finish line.

“It’s kind of like ‘Groundhog Day.’ It just goes on and on,” said Craig Therkildsen, who faces John D’Agostini in a Nov. 2 run-off for El Dorado County sheriff.

D’Agostini decided to run against then-El Dorado County Sheriff Jeff Neves back in September 2008, he said.

Neves’ decision to step down, announced in 2009, set off a 12-month, six-candidate race that ended in June when D’Agostini edged Therkildsen – a sheriff’s captain whom Neves favored as a successor – in the primary.

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Comments (8)
  1. Alex Campbell says - Posted: October 10, 2010

    It is interesting to note that the Sac-bee featured a despicable piece, Under Popular Comment by Rubicon 1.
    Rubi must be an insider with no guts!!Why would the Sac-bee feature a sick comment signed anonymously.
    The last outsider that walked into the job was Hal Barker the Clown Police Chief of Folsom,appointed as foreman of the Eldorado County Grand Jury. Hal did everything to cover the dirt of his BOS. (Board of Supervisors)Now two of the retread Machine Screws are back in office.Jack and Ray. Is D’Agostini another Hal Barker ???

  2. Defeat the Corruption says - Posted: October 12, 2010

    The corruption of the upper ranks in the Sheriff’s Department has been a real problem for over 20 years and hasn’t changed in both offices. They are called the Good Old Boys for a reason. Yes, Hal Barker was a joke, he was not well thought of by most employees, but you can’t hold that aginst a guy honestly running for office. With that said, the current acting non elected Sheriff Kollar and his buddy Turkeldsen take the cake for their level of outright dishonesty, corruption, and sexual harassment of the female employees that sued them. Read the P’ville and Sac papers! Go to for some real info on it, Now add the involvement they had with an undercover officer on overtime who supports Turkeldsen secretly recording D’Agostini at a campaign speech, then they released it to the media as a news item, then both denied knowledge or involvement, no one in the county believes them. Now add the probation officer Turkeldsen falsely arrested for a concealed weapon, add his campaigning on duty witnessed by many which is a firing offence, Yes they are on their way out and yes they are a menace to the county and have cost enough! We can and will do better with an honest family man and 4th generationm pioneer family descendant of this county, John D’Agostini.

  3. Parker says - Posted: October 12, 2010

    Wasn’t there an investigation going on about higher-ups in the Sheriff’s Dept. falsifying their education records? And thus getting higher salaries than they were entitled? In other word Stan Perez wasn’t alone. What’s happening with that investigation?

  4. ED.MOM says - Posted: October 14, 2010

    Yes there was an investigation on “diploma gate- 5 were involved 4 are paying back the fee’s but 1 (LT) has refused saying “I deserve the pay” The only way the county will get the money returned is to take this clown to civil court- Alex- trust me, I’m an insider too and can’t use my real name- I’ve already been subject to death threats/harrassment and degrading behavior by Therkildsen and his cronies- even after being served with the lawsuit these clowns kept up the behavior and it hasn’t abatted- And you should know a law suit is the LAST STAND after you’ve exhausted every other route in the department- all complaints (6) at this time are being “looked in to” (8 months now) and the bad apples are still running loose in the department without any signs of stopping unless we get rid of the corrupt upper management we now’s not a pretty thing or an easy thing to do- but the future females coming to the department HAVE TO BE SAFE! And that means we can’t have Therkildsen and his back door/promotion promises there

  5. Anti Crime Fighter says - Posted: October 17, 2010

    Therkildsen has now taken 60k from the chairman of the Republican Central Committee. He is pre-selling the Sheriff’s Dept before he is even elected. makes you wonder what he will do after. Vote for D’Agostini, he honest, hard working and deserves it.

  6. Kay carroll says - Posted: October 22, 2010

    Therkildsen should not be sheriff.
    Visit and

    both sites will show u who he really is

  7. David says - Posted: October 30, 2010

    “Anti Crime Fighter” is 100% wrong. Craig Therkildsen has not received a dime from our county’s Republican central committee. The financial reports required by law comfirm what I am saying.