2 workshops to help parents understand costs of college

Parents are invited to attend a free one-hour College Planning Relief workshop hosted by Beatrice Schultz of Truckee-based Westface Financial. This workshop will highlight the specific steps of financial preparation for college.

The workshop will provide parents with advice on how to budget for the total cost of college, how to maximize financial aid qualifications. Additionally, Schultz will dispel myths of public versus private schools, and offer insight regarding best practices for school selection.

Similar to credit cards that offer airline miles, hotel points or money back offers, the SAGE Scholarship Program, a joint venture of College Planning Relief and SAGE Scholars Inc. offers a similar program that builds college scholarship money.

The educational workshops will be Oct. at 6pm at the North Tahoe High School and Oct. 20 at 6pm at Truckee High School.

These one-hour workshops are complimentary, but reservations are requested by calling (530) 725.8599 or sign up online.