Author explores humans’ relationship with world
By Susan Skorupa, Reno Gazette-Journal
It is all so simple:
“We are born and we die. No one cares, no one remembers, and it doesn’t matter. This is why we laugh.”
It’s one of 12 statements that form the backbone of The Gnoll Credo’s basic tenets, from “If you can’t eat it, wear it, wield it or carry it, leave it behind,” to “Stay alive. Hopeless battles are hopeless. Dead is dead,” to the final urging of “Die biting the throat.”
The declarations open J. Stanton’s book, “The Gnoll Credo,” (100 Watt Press, $10.95 paperback), a novel that explores humans’ relationship to the rest of the world and other creatures, where civilization has taken us and what it’s taken from us.
“I started writing what later became the first page. The credo itself,” said Stanton, a Lake Tahoe-area writer and publisher of home and arcade video games and other media. “I thought, ‘It will be interesting.'”