Call to make arts a larger component of Tahoe economy

To the community,

This is just a reminder regarding an important gathering and conversation about the Tahoe economy and its arts alternatives that is taking place this Saturday at the Ski Run Marina.

“Liberty” takes on lots of significance when it is figured in as a major component of financial freedom. Please attend and encourage others to do so. We, the South Shore in particular, need to look hard and deeply at how the business of art can offer economic help and long-term sustainability to our business and employment base.

Take a long look at the poster — this will be a fun time. And it’s an important initial step in re-educating our citizenry and city as to how we can get and keep more “ga$” in our engine. Getting to know the “players” and others with this common concern is our goal. We are not reinventing the wheel, just realigning it.

Let’s talk and then act. The art$ are good for business.

Robert Schimmel, Tahoe Art League