Davis: keep taxes low, encourage and reward incentives


Publisher’s note: Lake Tahoe News is profiling candidates for South Lake Tahoe City Council and Douglas County Commission. The stories are being published in the order they were received.

Name: Tom Davis

Age: No response

How long have you lived in South Lake Tahoe?: 39 years

Job/profession: Businessman

Tom Davis

Tom Davis

What would you build or tear down on the South Shore to make it great, as in what Whistler is like?: Millers Outpost Center at the Y. By the way, Design Workshop, who designed the current Project 1 area at Stateline, is the same company who designed Whistler.

What form of recreation do you participate in? What recreation improvements would you strive to make in SLT?: Boating, camping, bike riding. I would like to advocate for an additional dog park and for more picnic and barbecue areas with lake views. I want us to continue to make improvements on our Bijou nine hole golf course. I would also like to design and build an additional disc golf course.

Recreation tourism is expected to be the driving force of the South Shore economy in the coming years, and according to a decade-old study, the majority of the South Lake Tahoe residents would like to see cycling-type facilities and maintenance projects. So, what do you specifically plan to do to improve our substandard, dangerous bike paths and lanes and roads beyond hiring a consultant to tell us how bad they are?: The answer is, I can’t do anything about it as an individual, but by building a consensus with my fellow council members, I will continue to advocate the city to lobby for grant’s from any and all federal, state and private organizations, to build and maintain world class bike paths.

What are the three major issues facing South Lake Tahoe and how do you expect in four years to make it so they are not major issues when your tenure is through?: The economy, the hole in the ground, and the grand jury report. To encourage and promote more special events, both large and small, year-round. Eco-tourism and sell the “sizzle” to our guests of what beautiful Lake Tahoe has to offer. After the project comes out of bankruptcy, we must find a qualified developer, and make sure that the financial guarantees are in place, before any further construction resumes. When I was on the council, we required finical guarantees before the developer could even move forward, that’s why as you can see Project 1 was successfully completed. I feel with a new city manager and three new council members out of the five total council members if the new council members are willing to work well together, the grand jury report will become a non-issue in the following years.

What compelling idea have you read in the citizens’ input of the revamped, in-progress update of the city’s General Plan?: The citizens want real change, with limited red tape and they want financial incentives. The citizens also want these projects done in a fair and timely manner, not taking years to complete.

How do you plan to boost revenue in SLT?: Advocate more special events, both large and small for South Lake Tahoe. By working with Heavenly Ski Resort to bring the World Cup Ski Races back to South Lake Tahoe. I also want the city to work closely with the Tourist Improvement District and the Lake Tahoe Visitors Authority, and bring my years of marketing experience to the table.

What stands out to you in the 2010-11 budget?: How complex the city budget really is. There are over 79 budgets within the city budget. This budget gives you a very clear understanding of what services the city provides for our community. Also, over half of the operating budget goes to our police and fire services, which has been along with snow removal my priority for years. It is also very important for the public to know, this city has been very successful in receiving grants for multiple projects and services that greatly benefit this community.

What needs to be done to allow businesses to thrive in SLT?: Reduce the regulation and red tape that has riddled and haunted our local business community. We must keep taxes low and encourage and reward incentives. I propose that the City Council form a blue ribbon task force of approximately five new business in South Lake Tahoe. We need to sit and meet with these businesses along with city, county, and TRPA representatives so we can find out exactly what government could have done and should do to encourage more businesses to relocate to the city of South Lake Tahoe.

What have you done to help South Lake Tahoe be a better community?: Where do I begin? When I first moved to Tahoe in 1971, I immediately became involved in various service clubs in Lake Tahoe. I served on the board of directors for the Chamber of Commerce for 15 years and was the chamber president twice. I sat on the board of directors for LTVA for 12 years and was chairman for a term of one year. I started a successful business with my partners, which now provides jobs for over 30 dedicated employees who have stayed with our company for many years. I currently am on the board of directors of Christmas Cheer all year, which provides food for our needy families in the community. I also sit on the board of directors for the Lake Tahoe Wildlife Care. I am a current member and past president of Kiwanis Club. Kiwanis Club provides thousands of dollars annually in scholarships to local students given them the opportunity for a quality college education. I was on the South Shore Marketing Council. I also had the pleasure of serving a a City Council member from 1992-2004 and served as mayor three times. I supported and implemented numerous affordable housing programs within the city.

What boards, commissions, or other experience do you have?: Airport Commission, City Council, LTVA, Lodging Association, Chamber of Commerce, El Dorado County Fair board, LAFCO, Wildlife Care, Christmas Cheer, Lake Tahoe Educational Foundation, Northern Nevada Hotel Sales Management Association, Kiwanis board of directors.

Why should voters vote for you over someone else?: Because I have the experience and the commitment to getting things done. I have the ability to not only lead, but to listen to the needs of the community. This isn’t about me, its about you. The city is at a serious crossroads and it needs someone with experience who has shown success in the past. That’s why I am the right leader at the right time.

BlueGo, the public transit, is mired in lawsuits and bankruptcy. Do we need public transit on the South Shore? If so, how do you propose to make it functional?: First of all, it was a mistake that the city gave up control to the transportation district. Second, the city needs to take back control and only provide bus service to the citizens within the city of South Lake Tahoe. Finally, yes we need public transit for our locals and visitors, we need some marketing plans to encourage greater rider ship.

Do you support commercial air service at Lake Tahoe Airport? Why or why not?: Yes, it will a beneficial asset to the community, but only after the convention center is completed.

Is there any individual, group or organization you would not take campaign money from? Why?: I will not take funds from any public employee unions, refuse company due to the fact the city has an existing contract with them. I have in the past returned campaign funds to a local developer who donated to my campaign, who was involved in the convention center project. I will not take funds from Heavenly Ski Resort or Marriott Corp. Nor will I take campaign funds from the casinos. I sleep well at night knowing my obligation is to the citizens of South Lake Tahoe.

Nepotism and favoritism runs rampant in the city when it comes to hiring preferences. The council sets policy. What type of policy would you write regarding nepotism and favoritism?: I would first direct the city manager to develop a comprehensive and transparent nepotism policy.

What did you accomplish in the 12 years you were on the council?: Public funding has leverages in redevelopment Project Site 1. This resulted in $600 million in a new private investment and 300 jobs. Redevelopment is one of the largest economic drivers in the community and contributes over $2 million annually to the general fund, $2 million of redevelopment housing funds leveraged, nearly $18 million in state housing grant funds, $21 million in private investment to construct and rehabilitation, 200 affordable housing units for low and very low income persons, 45 affordable units for seniors, 18 new units for low income persons with disabilities. Also $3.2 million of redevelopment housing funds and state grants provided 46 families with new home ownership through the First Time Homebuyer Program, $1.8 million of redevelopment housing funds and stated grants improved the living conditions of 57 families through Housing Rehabilitation program; quality affordable housing, Sierra Garden Apartments, Tahoe Valley Townhouses, Tahoe Pines Apt, Senior Housing and others. Ski Run Marina project, Embassy Suites Hotel, new fire station, Heavenly Village, gondola, Linear Park, stream environment restoration projects, water quality projects, street lighting from Highway 50 and Pioneer to Ski Run and Pioneer. Implemented a comprehensive taxi cab ordinance to include background checks on all drivers to protect our locals and visitors. Lobbied state politicians and the governor of California to declare an emergency, after the severe flooding and mudslide that closed Highway 50, just after New Year’s 1997. This emergency was costing the Lake Tahoe community over $1 million a day in lost revenue. Because of our efforts Highway 50 was able to be opened a month earlier then anticipated.

How do you defend being on the council at the time when $7.2 million was taken from the general fund to pay for redevelopment and now $500,000 is paid back to the general fund each year for that thievery when it should be used for roads and other projects locals would like?: First of all, there was no thievery from the general fund, it was a loan. The Redevelopment Agency needed the funds to complete Project 1. The loan was discussed in public meeting aired on cable television with clear transparency. The loan is being paid back to the city at a rate of half a million dollars per years, from the Redevelopment Agency. Over $2 million has already been paid back to the city general fund with interest. After all the redevelopment bills are paid, which includes bond payments, the redevelopment agency contributed over $2 million dollars to the city’s general fund annually.

You and three other council candidates met with the Lake Tahoe South Shore Chamber of Commerce, though you were not invited back for the follow-up meeting with the three others, tell us about that first meeting: It was my understanding it was a business roundtable meeting, not a chamber meeting. We discussed my three priorities for the city, which are the economy, hole in the ground and the grand jury report.

Tell us something about yourself that voters don’t already know: I used to be captain of the Sahara Tahoe Yacht, I hold a 100 ton commercial U.S. Coast Guard license. I took out Johnny Cash, Elvis Presley, Tom Jones, Sonny and Cher, Engelbert, Liberace, Joey Bishop, Mac Davis and many other entertainers. It was an amazing job.


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This article was written by admin


Comments (38)
  1. Steve says - Posted: October 4, 2010

    For Tom Davis to suddenly advocate keeping taxes low is either an amazing change in philosophy, or a devious campaign ploy.

    While on the council, Davis supported every tax increase that came along: ill-fated BID, increase in city sales tax, new city telephone tax, higher animal shelter charges just for city residents, etc.

  2. Geeper says - Posted: October 4, 2010

    We want new faces voter’s. Tom is one of the”good old boys”

  3. Bob says - Posted: October 4, 2010

    Do we need a career politician on our Council? I appreciate the read here but have heard nothing but negative talk about Mr. Davis on the street. I think it’s time for a fresh face on Council.

  4. David Borges, D.C. says - Posted: October 4, 2010

    In my opinion it is imperative to have quality experience on the Council. Tom Davis has the leadership skills and drive to market the community, to address the economic issues and at the same time be sensitive to Tahoe’s environmential issues. An outstanding and rare combination.

  5. 30yearlocal says - Posted: October 4, 2010

    Bob: there are many candidate forums coming up…go to them and listen for yourself instead of listening to on the street. You don’t know those on the street’s history or knowledge on subjects.

    Also, I love it when people say “career politicians” ….how could anyone in our town have a career being a politician? They’d be living with below poverty wages if they did. It takes heart, sole and dedication to donate the time and effort it takes to lead our committees, groups and councils.

  6. Garry Bowen says - Posted: October 4, 2010

    Just a comment on a misguided statement within: although Design Workshop was in fact involved with Project One, they did not design Whistler. Whistler has been master-planned since 1965 to do what they did in attracting the Olympics, and Design Workshop did some follow-up work during implementation in the ramp-up to them. . . but they didn’t design Whistler.

  7. Tahoe Freedom Fighter says - Posted: October 4, 2010

    Is Mr. Davis embarassed about his age or ? While he should not be discriminated against because of it, it does factor into his ability to perform the job now and in four more years.
    He has had his chance to influence the direction of the City of South Lake Tahoe whether it was good or bad. We need new representation not a re-hash of the past.
    Time to pass the torch Mr. Davis.

  8. Alex Campbell says - Posted: October 4, 2010

    30 year local, you seem to have a fading memory, Honest John Upton found his way as a career politician. The same as Hal Cole.(Upton was not a builder of note)
    Under the date of June 24, 1996 in a letter to the editor of the Tahoe Trib i pointed out that Kevin Cole,Hal Cole and Spanky Davis are and have been sponsored by special interest groups.John Upton was another favorite son. This had to do with the first trial run at outsourcing.The $75,000 on a rent-a-cop program over a three year period. I noted at the time, that Spanky has been seen having luncheon meetings all over with members of his group (many are Nevada residents)

    If Tom had not lost his job he would not be running again.
    By the way Spanky Davis must know the name of the person and or persons that approved the good old boy loan he is defending.
    Hal and Tom were and could be a pair to draw to. PS in case the readers do not know.I recall you become Mayor when your term is in its last year., in order to keep your career going. Over the last 10 years has any good old boy or gal have opposition for Mayor ??? (or ever)

  9. h says - Posted: October 4, 2010

    The city residents be a fools to put a crook back in office.

    He’s proven over the years to say one thing ,do just the opposite.

    “Dino council members need not apply!”

    We need new,young,open minded people with refreshing ideas to reshape what he and his long time buddies have ruin in this town over the last 20 years.

    “Tom”, throw away your Elvis collection ,people are listening to linkin Park,Kings of Leon, now days.
    Find a green pasture to lie down in let the new old local turn up the beat.

  10. cowboy25 says - Posted: October 4, 2010

    Where do i begin, I have known Tom Davis for over 20 years, Tom is not a crook and I encourage “h” to provide me with the facts of how Tom is a crook. Second, prove where and when Tom took funds from special interest “good ole boys”. Tom has been asked by many citizens of the Lake Tahoe community to return to public office. Tom Davis has the leadership and experience to help fix the issues Lake Tahoe is facing, so for those who only want to critize and nothing more, why dont you make your time and efforts more productive and run for office or help serve your community

  11. Duane Wallace says - Posted: October 4, 2010

    I think it is funny that Tom Davis is picked on for being old and experienced. None of us would want someone with no experience to work on our car, our medical needs or anything vital.I’ve lived here for 35 years and have watched it take up to 4 years for newbies to get an understanding of the multimillion dollar budge. I think a mix of experienced and new people is best. The reason I like Tom is that contrary to those who think things used to be messed up, they weren’t when he was there. The voters voted and pushed for redevelopment on a piece of ground that had very few jobs. Tom followed through on the vote of the public and redevelopment # 1 has produced scores of jobs. Was he supposed to not do what the voters directed? The Tom I know stood up to some heavy pressure from outside interests and paid a heavy price for doing that.I believe he truly cares about our City. While I certainly don’t always agree with Tom or other public servants and want the same kind of changes that others do, I also think good people can disagree with each other without hating the other person. I am still looking to see who else to vote for with my three votes. But because I know first hand the personal sacrifice Tom has made for the paltry $450 per month they pay these guys, I am thankful that in spite of unfounded personal attacks by those who have never stepped forward into the arena themselves that Tom is willing to come back after 6 years away to lend a steady hand to a very tough position.

  12. 30yearlocal says - Posted: October 4, 2010

    Alex: I’m sorry, but I’ll have to disagree. I know John very well and know him to be an upstanding (and outstanding) individual who has donated years of his life to our town and county. He is not a career politician…he has a job and investments, and a heart to dedicate his time and money to help our community. We cannot have “career politicians” in our town, we don’t pay enough!

    You are slinging some wild accusations, and unfortunately, people will believe them. If people have proof of any wrongdoing, show it.

    Tom has been talking about running for office again ever since he left….you seem to know him so well how come you didn’t know that?

    I am tired of the mudslinging in the state election contests and we’ll have to endure another few weeks of it in the city apparently.

    I urge people to go out to the forums being offered to the public for free, listen to what the candidates have to say and give them a chance to state their views. The winners will be there to represent ALL of our citizens. Want a change? Vote.

  13. JT Davis says - Posted: October 4, 2010

    Alex Campbell, so I take it we cant count on your vote this november? I also recall after speaking with my dad that you have not lived in Tahoe for quite some time, hope Southern California is treating you well.

    Sir, just because you write a letter to the editor, that doesn’t give any substance to your argument. provide the evidence.

    Tom passed the torch and left city government over 6 years ago. In that 6 years, Tom has like many of us has become very upset and at times angry with the way government has operated. Tom is not a “career politican” yet he is a leader who has the ability to get things done.

    Alex next time you are in town, give Tom a call and go enjoy a nice lunch with Tom so he can set your facts straight.

  14. JT Davis says - Posted: October 4, 2010

    Geeper and h,

    It must be easy to hide behind a screen name and name call and slander.

    If a “good ole boy” is a person who donates his time to Christmas Cheer, Wildlife causes, The ElDorado County Fair Board, Youth sports and various other orgs that benefit our community, then yes Tom Davis is a “Good ole Boy” maybe we need more “Good ole Boys.”

    Tom has always served the community he loves and has never said “whats in it for me, or what do I get in return.”

    Everyone has the right to there opnions, but with name calling and slander while hiding behind a screen name only proves its people like you who dividing the country.

    Tom also listens to a variety of music, thats the beauty of America, we can listen to the music we choose.

  15. Steven says - Posted: October 4, 2010

    Tom Davis did not “pass the torch”. The last time he ran for coucil he LOST!!! As far as not asking what is in the job for him, wasn’t he on the council when the vacation rental ordinance was passed? And doesn’t he and his friends own vacation rentals? And what about his previous statements of looking out for locals?, yet we still do not have sidewalks and now we don’t have a decent public transportation, both things he should have done in his previous terms on the council. Vote NO on Davis!

  16. Careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: October 4, 2010

    All this talk reminds me to never run for office (I’m too thin skinned!)

    Thanks to everyone who is discussing the candidate without attacking. It is good for us to discuss, and disagree with each other, and get the facts out (or opinions). I think we have gotten away from that with all our political correctness, and it’s good to hear ideas and opinions that are not from our own group.

  17. Parker says - Posted: October 5, 2010

    I believe Tom Davis’ motive to run for Council is for only the best motives! He wants to make our town better and is willing to make the necessary time commitment towards that goal.

    HOWEVER, he will not get my vote! In typical political speak, he says we need to keep takes low. He’s right! But as a Councilman, Tom Davis pushed for both a business license fee increase AND a sales tax increase! As a result, the City’s bureaucracy is well-paid, while our private sector struggles more than even the national economy does!

  18. Elaine Alexander says - Posted: October 6, 2010

    Is J.T. Davis any relation to Tom? Just wondering.

  19. J T Davis says - Posted: October 6, 2010

    Yes, I am the proud son and campaign manager for Tom Davis

  20. J T Davis says - Posted: October 6, 2010

    I find it interesting that those who chose to post negative and slanderess comments about Tom didn’t respond after I shot back.

    For those of you who dont support Tom Davis, thats fine, theats the beauty of our democracy, we support who we want. What makes me angry though is those whio hide behind screen names or post flat out lies and slander and try to pass it off as the TRUTH. Its the people like who who only hurt and not help this country, it must me easy to Monday morning quarterback when your not in the hot seat.

    Politicans do open themselves up to public scruntity, but at the same time using lies and misinformation is beyond pathetic and in my opnion BS.

    Before you critize, get ALL the facts straight.

    PS, More people now listen to Elvis than when he was alive.

  21. snoheather says - Posted: October 6, 2010

    I feel that it is time to vote in new people to the city council. It is obvious that what the city council has been doing for years is not working and it will be nice to see fresh faces join the council. Maybe then we will see a change in how the council works and hopefully it will benefit the community of South Lake Tahoe.

  22. Centurion says - Posted: October 6, 2010

    Our Community needs fresh ideas, Tom Davis’ time has come and gone. JT please proof read your comments. As Tom’s campaign manager you don’t instill confidence with your writing.

  23. Steven says - Posted: October 6, 2010

    So JT Davis, did Tom Davis lose the last election he ran in? And if so, you need to retract your “passing the torch” comment!!!! A previous or current council member only loses an election when the public is tired of them and their job performance!

  24. JT Davis says - Posted: October 6, 2010


    Tom did pass the torch, and yes he did run and lost in a close election, but Im not focused on the past, but this race. Tom has been out of office for over 6 years and has been asked my multiple citizens within the community to run again. When Tom was on the council, there was unity, progress and things got doen both big and small.

    Take you negative attitude and lose it and then maybe you can do something productive with your time.

  25. JT Davis says - Posted: October 6, 2010


    PS, again do your homework before you spew your leis, sidewalsk phase one is being completed, it was a Caltrans project and if I recall Fmr. Gov. Gray Davis (No relation) diverted the funding for other projects.

  26. Steven says - Posted: October 6, 2010

    JT Davis, So Tom did not pass the torch, it was taken from him! And my negative attitude towards Tom is my right and working to keep him out of office is worth while and productive!!

  27. JT Davis says - Posted: October 6, 2010


    Why do you want to keep him out of office? What has Tom done that makes you so upset? In addition, do we even know who you are or if Steven is your real name. While your working to keep Tom out of office with misinformation and your personal, we will be busy laying out Toms agenda to move Tahoe forward and the truth and the facts.

    PS, Like Alex Campbell, Tom would be interested in taking you to lunch and listening to your issues and concerns.

  28. snoheather says - Posted: October 6, 2010


    You say that you aren’t focused on the past. That may be good and well for you but most people learn from the past and make decisions based on it.
    You definetly aren’t doing your dad any favors with your comments. I understand your need and right to stand up and voice you opinion and try to correct false comments but you should try doing it more coherently and without the negative attitude.
    This is just my opinion. I wish you and your father the best.

  29. Parker says - Posted: October 6, 2010

    Yeah JT, as snoheather says, you’re not helping your Dad! You criticize negative comments about your Dad. Quite understandable. But then you go on with some pretty negative yourself.

    Like I previously stated, I don’t have a personal problem with your Dad. Disagree with some positions he took in the past. So he won’t get my vote. But your comments JT have the potential to truly motivate people to work against your Dad’s election.

  30. h says - Posted: October 6, 2010

    All Shook Up….Puppet on a String…….Clean Up Your Own Back Yard….Don’t Cry Daddy……..Suspicious Minds….Surrender…….Return to Sender…..Don’t be cruel.

    Here you go JT for your campaign….
    Maybe Howie can play a few songs in order for you OVER THE LOCAL RADIO STATION to get the Elvis MESSAGE ,Tom LOVE THESE SONGS.



  31. JT Davis says - Posted: October 7, 2010

    You must be Steven Reinhardt if I’m correct?

    There are those who support or campaign and those who don’t. I just ask that the dedicated members and voters of this community, who read all the newspapers and watch the news outlets, don’t only listen to those who post misleading comments but look at all the facts and all the information and base their decision and vote on that.

    Those that criticize Tom have every right to do so, but when labels and name calling and slander come into play, it makes them look feeble minded and petty.

    I do not see eye to eye with Tom on every issue and feel some things can be better if a different approach is taken, but with Tom even when you disagree, he still respects the views and ideas of others. Tom can and has built bridges and gotten things done.

    I asked the voters this November to make their own judgment on what’s right for our community, and to not just believe what is posted in the “blogs” about being a “Good ole Boy”, “Career Politician”, a “Crook” or “Spanky” to name a few.

    Tom Davis has a good mix of experience, common sense and the ability to try new things to make real progress for our community. We will stay positive but we will also defend against posts that are untrue or misleading about Tom, so the general voting public receives unbiased information.

    Vote Tom Davis
    Right Leader Right Time

  32. Geeper says - Posted: October 7, 2010

    Mr JT Davis, Respectfully, slander or mud slinging was not my comment…time for a change was my message. I’m sorry if it was taken in a wrong manner.

  33. cheepseets says - Posted: October 7, 2010

    I like Tom and remember him from councils past.
    But, JT Davis, I gotta agree with some people above. You’re not doing your dad any favors on this board. Maybe as a son, but certainly not as a campaign manager.
    Here’s a tip: You can’t win the election by posting on a forum like this but you can certainly lose it!
    Take it how you will and best of luck …

  34. JT Davis says - Posted: October 7, 2010

    All Im doing on this site is setting the record straight.

    Im not going to continue to go round for round because its not beneficial .

    If anyone wants to learn more about Tom Davis visit his website at

  35. h says - Posted: October 7, 2010

    Viva…… Las Tahoe…….

  36. Kari says - Posted: October 7, 2010

    I’ll vote for you when you treat us nobodies like equals. When you come into a business not every body is suppose to know you.And when your affended when us “little” poeple don’t that’s when you get an attitude. We need new ideas and new faces. You’ll get the respect when you give to us nobodies..

  37. Tom Davis says - Posted: October 7, 2010

    Kari, Firt my humble apology if I ever treated you like a nobodies. My wife was a waitress for a long time. To my knowledge I have never, no will I ever treat anyone like little people. What resturant are you refering to. If you want, you can call me at 544-2712 and I will personally apologize and we can discuss. I have lived in Tahoe for many years and have always had respect for all.In fact I like to talk to everone including strangers. Oh by the way I always tip.

  38. skibum says - Posted: October 7, 2010

    If you don’t want to call Tom call me @ 530-308-5265 and I will pass the info to Tom (without reavealing anyone). I have known Tom since 1978 when we worked at Sahara and he has never changed from his original personality. He has always been upfront and honest and has always had the best interests of the town first and foremost regardless of the public outcome or perception. Like him or not he’s always been a straight shooter. Me thinks this kari is a phoney anyway but if your not contact me and I will chew Tom’s A ss lol.