EDC Board of Supes meeting in South Tahoe

El Dorado County Board of Supervisors will meet in South Lake Tahoe on Oct. 12.

They start with closed session at 8am, followed by the regular meeting at 9am at Lake Tahoe Airport.

Wendy David will be the first presenter for the Lake Tahoe Collaborative, followed by Steve Kooyman and Harold Singer on an update of the Total Daily Maximum Load plan requirements.

Next, Tom Brannon of Caltrans, will review the Highway 50 improvement projects.

Then, Joanne Marchetta will present the TRPA’s Regional Plan Update.

The idea is the board will break by 1pm following their other business and attend a lunch at the Lake Tahoe Golf Course, where Pam Armas from State Parks will present the golf course/Upper Truckee River improvement plan, and offer a tour following lunch.