Forms reveal campaign contributions, expenditures


At different times candidates for political office must report the amount of money they have moneycollected and spent assuming it totals at least $1,000.

The complete forms can be found below by clicking on the candidate’s last name. The campaign forms are for South Lake Tahoe City Council and El Dorado County sheriff. Douglas County officials have not yet provided the commission candidate forms.

For California candidates, the next date to report campaign contributions and/or expenses is Oct. 21.

Joy Curry

John D’Agostini

Tom Davis

Clair Fortier

Elizabeth Hallen

Steve Kubby

Angela Swanson

Craig Therkildsen

— Compiled by Kathryn Reed


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Comments (14)
  1. h says - Posted: October 15, 2010

    Now there’s a lot info on this ..check this out,very interesting.humm.I see that old horse racing john throwing money away….

  2. Bob says - Posted: October 15, 2010

    Thanks for the info, Kae. It’s interesting that Pallen is also receiving money from City of Angels. I didn’t know that. My favorite candidate, Alice Jones is not noted here. Her back to the core basics campaign has me sold. Take care of the basics and the rest should come. I totally agree with this avenue of thought. Alice? Who are the other two candidates you would like to see win with you who agree with your numbers philosophy?

  3. Concerned says - Posted: October 15, 2010

    Kubby’s lists $852.94 as a “nonmonetary contribution” from the Patient to Patient Collective for “BBQ Supplies”.

    Really? Really?

    I thought these people were running for CITY Council. Not STUDENT Council.

    Be careful what you wish for, voters. You might get it.

  4. Skibum says - Posted: October 15, 2010

    Interesting choice of contributers here as most are out of the city limits.

  5. go kubby go! says - Posted: October 15, 2010

    Hey “concerned” – just so you know, patient to patient had a BBQ for not only patients, but for any community member a while back – it was a meet & greet to speak with & introduce our future city council member, steve kubby. They collected donations at the event to raise $$ for his campaign. please don’t turn something good, negative.

  6. Concerned says - Posted: October 15, 2010

    Go Kubby Go – I understand. The BBQ was the write-off, and had to be accounted for on the Schedule C. So if “donations” meant goods, to be sold for “$$” for Mr. Kubby’s campaign, why would there be cause to list their value as nomonetary instead of simply listing the value of the post-liquidated goods as a monetary contribution? I support the Collective (the only disp. I support), as I believe in their model of community assistance/service, but I also believe the pot issue in SLT pales in comparison to the real problems this town faces, thus, the point of my posting.

  7. Steve says - Posted: October 15, 2010

    Hopefully someday those ugly, unsightly, trashy campaign signs tacked up on vacant lots, street corners, telephone poles will be eliminated or outlawed. Think of all the money (contributions) these characters wouldn’t have to beg for and owe favors to.

    I won’t vote for anybody whose campaign sign I see.

  8. h says - Posted: October 15, 2010

    Why is there no write in candidates running on a write in ballot?

    When you really look at where these people are getting their cash and who pumping the water makes for some pretty sour taste.

    There has to be someone in this town who do a good job without all the hoopla !

    If we were making wine with all these candidates running,what on earth would you call the wine?

    Crusty Red,Moldy Pink,or how about Red Mountain……That fit the ticket.

    Starts out tasting pretty good, but as in the council meeting age ,they seem to get bitter,the flavor starts to smell,before you know it the whole town getting upset stomachs,then all we want do flush this bad blend of Rot down the drain.

  9. Tahoegal says - Posted: October 15, 2010

    I would look at Alice Jones as the best candidate, and comes with out the hoopla! Ms. Jones sounds very rational and that is what we need right now. I also support her because she has a family and kids in local schools. Good luck Alice!

  10. Alex Campbell says - Posted: October 16, 2010

    The outsider D’ Agostini received contributions from two of the old machine screws. Ray Ray Nutting and Hal Barker. Barker was used as Mr.Dirty for the Supes grand “Grand Jury report”. He was appointed Forskin of their Grand Jury. Later as a reward he was appointed then elected, as a one term Sheriff. The word enough was out.
    Remember ?? Hal was to make nice for the supes after a devastating Grand Jury report, that makes the last one look like childs play. So devastating that Upton , Nutting and company refused to release it. However!!! somehow a transcript was leaked. OMG

  11. Cowboy25 says - Posted: October 21, 2010

    Funny how Kubby stated at the Tribune forum on 10/20/2010 that his largest contribution came from the Ca Libertian party, when in reality he recieved more funds from City of Angels at or over $1,000.00 and a contribution from Paitent to Paitent Collecitve for over $800.00. The Libertian party only contributed $5,000.00. So with that said, where did Kubby get the 5,000.00 needed to pay for his radio ads?

  12. Cowboy25 says - Posted: October 21, 2010

    Correction, the Libertian Party only contributed $500.00 to his campaign

  13. 30yearlocal says - Posted: October 21, 2010

    And I find it interesting, with all of the print shops locally, who spent their money on such products out of town.

  14. Steven says - Posted: October 21, 2010

    Well Steve, I guess you aren’t voting then, right? So whats your solution to no campaign signs?