Lukins Water Co. takes issue with SLT-STPUD agreement
To the community,
Lukins Brothers Water Company has been working with the city of South Lake Tahoe to secure funding for their system upgrades. Unbeknownst to them, the city was working with South Tahoe Public Utility District to take the system.
Since July 2009, the city on behalf of Lukins has been applying for grants. Lukins has also been researching various ways to fund this project.
Meanwhile, on Aug. 4, 2010, the city of South Lake Tahoe and South Tahoe Public Utility District entered into an agreement stating that any improvements done to Lukins system with public redevelopment dollars would be owned by South Tahoe Public Utility District, not by Lukins.
Also stated in this agreement is that the opinion of the city and South Tahoe PUD is, that it is in the best interest of current Lukins customers to have water provided to them by South Tahoe PUD.
This agreement was made without the knowledge or support of Lukins. An agreement like this is counterproductive to the collaborative partnership between the city, the California Public Utility Commission and Lukins that was established as part of the joint Stipulation from last year.
The joint Stipulation between Lukins Brothers Water Company, the city of South Lake Tahoe and the California Public Utilities Commission, gives the commission authority over the city of South Lake Tahoe in matters regarding Lukins Brothers Water Company.
For more information, visit or contact the office at (530)541.2606.
Jennifer Lukins, operations manager for Lukins Brothers Water Company