May: get every person on the city’s payroll to learn how to write grants


Publisher’s note: Lake Tahoe News is profiling candidates for South Lake Tahoe City Council and Douglas County Commission. The stories are being published in the order they were received.

Name: Géorg M. May

Age: 48

How long have you lived in South Lake Tahoe?: Four years.

One question that bothers the hell out of me is, “how long have you lived in SLT?” Sure, one should have lived here a bit to know what is going on in local politics and observe what public views are prevalent. However, as always facts and views may be interpreted in many ways. Relationships and time tend to create biases. Research has been done by this candidate as per public sentiment. I believe my not being in the political field before is a positive thing. I have observed in SLT as what could be interpreted as an interlocking political system. It is human nature to sometimes be skeptical of change but time does not stand still and nor will I as your representative. Innovative ideas are needed in our ever-changing world if we want to prosper. I plan on building positive relationships with our state and federal representatives. I heard a comment at one council meeting where a member stated “well that would have to go to Sacramento” who cares, sometimes if you don’t stand up you will not be seen or heard. I also think it is a great idea to team with other cities so that our superiors in the government chain of command will pay stronger attention to our ideas and suggestions. I have working experience with local governments as well the U.S. Senate (through private matters) as well as the required tenacity to get our mutual goals accomplished.


I used to work in recreation management. I’m a published author and I have returned to school in order to change careers. I am currently a student at Lake Tahoe Community College. A city can easily be a full-time job if it is taken seriously and time is devoted to research and planning. I’m willing to put in the effort necessary when elected.

What would you build or tear down on the South Shore to make it great, as in what Whistler is like?:

The hole in the ground where the civic center should be is a new opportunity. Here are just a few options we might build that could combine parts of the following: We could incorporate a new city hall into its architecture. A world-class sports training center and racket club. An I-max theater and a kids science and learning center would be a big draw. Affordable housing mixed with condos and shops, would mix. We need plenty of parking spaces. An area allotted to contain a base for our new light rail transportation center. The options are endless as we move forward. Please email me your ideas to We will find funding. The sustainability plan at Whistler is recognized as a worldwide model. Let’s keep working to become similar.

Georg May

Georg May

What form of recreation do you participate in? What recreation improvements would you strive to make in SLT?:

I learned to snowboard when I moved here and I am addicted. I ride an old racing bicycle and swim in the lake. I played Jr. B and semi-pro hockey and I plan to get back on the ice as soon as time allows; it’s been a long time.

I would rate Gary Moore, the director of Parks and Recreation and his staff, as some of the best in their field I have ever seen. Did you know about the self-efficient power facility they are going to build for the ice arena. It is going to use the heat from the pool’s water and use turbines to convert the power to completely fuel the ice rink. The council should continue to listen to his plans and goals. I do know from attending a recent Parks and Recreation Commission meeting that an idea was given to use a chain gang to help pick up garbage on the beaches. This would save that department some negative cash flow. I believe in any new programs we can develop for the disabled and available sponsorships for the less fortunate.

Recreation tourism is expected to be the driving force of the South Shore economy in the coming years, and according to a decade-old study, the majority of the South Lake Tahoe residents would like to see cycling-type facilities and maintenance projects. So, what do you specifically plan to do to improve our substandard, dangerous bike paths and lanes and roads beyond hiring a consultant to tell us how bad they are?:

Let’s put a cycling center in the above proposed building.

We don’t need a consultant. We need to ensure Caltrans repairs Highway 50 with the most technologically advanced compounds for our seasonal environment. I believe the bike trail is being repaired and expanded with a rubber composite compound, using partial financing from federal and state funds. If I remember correctly, maintenance costs for the trails and safe school walkways is a problem. Maybe we could use a small city fee added in to our growing biking events to help subsidize these costs.

What are the three major issues facing South Lake Tahoe and how do you expect in four years to make it so they are not major issues when your tenure is through?:

Economy: One goal is to get every person we can on the city’s payroll to learn how to write requests for grant money for their department. Also, we need to further our economic development division to recruit new businesses and provide more available resources to current small business owners in regards to available educational and financial resources.

South Lake Tahoe could use the “critical mass” or “gang” philosophy, to initiate neighboring cities into a “clan” that is large enough to make Sacramento and Washington, D.C., listen to our ideas and requests for dollars.

Increased tourism:

Sustainability: Humans are an odd sort. We sometimes don’t plan for the future. The current City Council has responsibly thought ahead as to this subject. As taken from the city’s 2010-11 budget on their website we need to … create a healthy and sustainable community for current and future South Lake Tahoe residents and visitors.

Priorities are:

Green Infrastructure


Equity and Community Facilities

Healthy Local Food System

Vibrant Local and Regional Economy

What compelling idea have you read in the citizens’ input of the revamped, in-progress update of the city’s General Plan?:

In an email I just received from city of South Lake Tahoe Assistant Planner Judy Finn, she wrote, “The EIR for the General Plan went out for public review and comment on September 13. To date no comments have been received on the EIR. There is a place for citizens to post public comments. At the end of the review period, November 12, a summary of those comments will be posted.”

However, I did find an old letter from former City Manager David Jenkins on which I will comment. In one paragraph he observantly states, “I know too that that are prominent people in the community who do not want to see quality workforce housing built anywhere near them or built at all. They are good people who are vocal and powerful and have a perspective on the world and our community. Some of them live close to the Barbara Avenue site and for unexplained reasons simply oppose housing near them. This opposition is not uncommon in California but it is opposition that we must resist for us to meet our broader obligations to the entire community and our mission to overcome barriers to the delivery of workforce housing.”

I believe this is another example of the economic elite discriminating against those trying to move up in the world and are in many ways the backbone of our community.

How do you plan to boost revenue in SLT?:

Grants! Using grants and Obama’s stimulus package as well as Obama’s small business package that was just approved on the 13th we can generate green jobs and scientific centers as proposed by the Lake Tahoe Basin Prosperity Plan.

What stands out to you in the 2010-11 budget?:

This quote was taken right from the city’s website, “Fixed expenses continue to grow faster than revenues!” = Lots of work ahead for the new City Council. If we coordinate an advertising campaign that includes the Lake Tahoe Visitors Bureau, the Chamber of Commerce, the city of Stateline, Reno, North Lake Tahoe, the ski resorts, and every other entity willing to work together, we could put together marketing strategy to bring us the world.

What needs to be done to allow businesses to thrive in SLT?:

Increase traffic.

What have you done to help South Lake Tahoe be a better community?:

I am currently working on a project to enlighten some local institutions in regards to disability discrimination. It’s time we acknowledge and put some energy toward examining society’s attitudes, structures and policies of stigmatizing the disabled. This is a form of discrimination as outlined by the American with Disabilities Act. Let’s educate ourselves to combat biases focused against those suffering from mental disorders and addictions.I have also done some volunteer work for the League to Save Lake Tahoe.

What boards, commissions, or other experience do you have?:

My ever-continuing education builds from living in the four corners of the U.S. as well as the Midwest. I have a business management background in college and university as well as recreation management at the University of Illinois. I have also attended flight school in San Diego. I have worked involving recreation programs for the developmentally disabled, children’s programs and the elderly. I have specialized experience creating programs to help those stricken with Alzheimer’s. I have supervised an ice arena in Missouri and managed a roller rink in Washington. I wrote a proposal for a budget for the University of Illinois ice arena for one year, and decreased expenses by 15 percent. I was a supervisor at the Space Needle Restaurant in Seattle. More budgetary experience includes restaurants and small business. I now plan to get a degree in law, my practice will split emphasis between civil law and new media.

My life experiences have taught me that we as a society may find we have more in common in this growingly diverse world than we may think. Fallacious arguments such as I have witnessed at many City Council meetings around the United States and here have created unproductive politics. Reasonable approaches and understandings of all points of views will help the council to study and debate items in a professional, fair and balanced manner.

Why should voters vote for you over someone else?:

Put your vote where the grand jury’s report is.

I am not your average interlocked politician that I believe this city has observed in the past and has the unfortunate opportunity to see in the future. You will not see ties on my neck or ties to special interest organizations, real estate endeavors or nepotistic relationships. The political and financial elite stay in power using this interlocked system thereby generating a system where closed sessions and surprise sessions may be used to support personal agendas and to remain in power. I hope to break this barrier with the educated public’s help.

BlueGo, the public transit, is mired in lawsuits and bankruptcy. Do we need public transit on the South Shore? If so, how do you propose to make it functional?:

Of course we need public transportation, not only for our underpaid workers, but for the tourists that don’t want to rent a car, and of course, for environmental reasons. I want to get SLT working on a transit plan for the future, possibly using light rail technology. For now we might want to incorporate a shuttle system comparable to Whistler where with a permanent population around 10K they have ridership around 2.5 million a year. I wonder how many public officials have used our public transportation system except on informational tours? More important, I wonder how many of our public officials have had to wait for a bus in the rain and snow? Buses in the past have been known to skip part of a route to make up for time. Workers have been late to their jobs and students have missed entire classes because of BlueGo’s poor performance. We have to stay in touch with the people. Let’s take some responsibility to ensure all city services are implemented properly. Let’s take responsibility to see that services that are not in control of the city are done properly. We need to know what is going on by physically researching some issues. Yes, this strategy takes time and commitment. It is worth the effort. Someone has to do it. Let’s take control. By having control of what’s going on in our community, we need to use a system of checks and balances as drawn out in our constitution. After all, we are not the TRPA. We cannot rely on someone else to look after our own wellbeing.

Do you support commercial air service at Lake Tahoe Airport? Why or why not?:

Having gone through flight school for a private pilot license, I easily recognize what an asset a fully operational airport can bring to a destination community. Using the noise monitoring equipment already in place there are — four in the city and two in the county. There are established noise abatement thresholds established by the FAA; there is no plausable reason in my mind not to increase our accessibility for tourism through this mode of transportation.

Is there any individual, group or organization you would not take campaign money from? Why?:

I have not, nor expect to get any donations from anyone.

However, if offered, I will follow the campaign laws and my self-imposed moral obligations as to any political contributions.

California law states: Per Ca code:89510. (a) A candidate for elective state office may only accept contributions within the limits provided in Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 85100). (b) All contributions deposited into the campaign account shall be deemed to be held in trust for expenses associated with the election of the candidate or for expenses associated with holding office. (2) For purposes of this chapter, “committee” means a controlled committee, ballot measure committee, committee opposed to a candidate or measure, and any committee which qualifies as a committee pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 82013. 89511. (3) For purposes of this chapter, “substantial personal benefit” means an expenditure of campaign funds which results in a direct personal benefit with a value of more than two hundred dollars ($200) to a candidate, elected officer, or any individual or individual with authority to approve the expenditure of campaign funds held by a committee.

Nepotism and favoritism runs rampant in the city when it comes to hiring preferences. The council sets policy. What type of policy would you write regarding nepotism and favoritism?:

No nepotism or favoritism allowed. This rule shall be strictly enforced and should be double-checked by an unbiased party and shall be punishable by termination.

Tell us something about yourself that voters don’t already know:

I have experience in court representing myself (pro se) against two major corporations and I won and settled these cases. I know how to research city codes, California codes of law as well as case law. I will apply and expand my legal knowledge in order to further the accomplishment of a common goal to better our city.

This opportunity sounds like a full-time job to me, it is. I am a realist that does not expect all positive outcomes. However, I do expect this town to move forward and not backward.


About author

This article was written by admin


Comments (3)
  1. Careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: October 7, 2010

    Great idea about the grant writing. If our town could become the best grant writers per capita, this would be major, then we would need to become the best at using the moneys granted to us wisely.

    As for Jenkins letter about the housing: We need to take much better care of our service workers in this town. This will retain and attract better quality people. If we take better care of them, they will take great care of our tourists.

    Some ideas are reaching, but I like the fact that this candidate has many ideas, many of them new, and seems to be fairly level headed and inclusive of others ideas.

  2. Eric Taxer says - Posted: October 7, 2010

    There seems to be lots of ideas that are duplicative of existing levels of service.

    For example, creating the, “…’critical mass’ or ‘gang philosophy, to initiate neighboring cities into a “clan” that is large enough to make Sacramento and Washington, D.C., listen to our ideas and requests for dollars,” Isn’t this what the existing League of Cities does? They are quite the strong voice for both large and small incorporated areas.

    And having all city employees learn how to write grants – really? The City already has grant writers on staff, and they do apply for the limited grants for which they are eligible. With few resources to get the job done, why duplicate efforts?

  3. h says - Posted: October 7, 2010

    No offense, but on the tribune you got 2 votes. You lived here 4 years; do you even know who the cities creeps are in the local good old boys, bags circle?

    I question your airport view…it’s lost so much money over the years we could have built the lost holes half way up to completion if we had that cash now, plus your another attorney.(wanna be)?
    Anyone whose had to deal with the court system knows no matter what attorney you hire they are all pretty much “worse” than the system that writes the laws.
    Do we need another legal council member, all the past ones were, present one, still are, pretty lousy represents of the local residents.
    Grants have hidden agendas that you can’t weasel out of, we wouldn’t be in the same boat with the airport or the city parking garage, bus trans building, water defroster on top the garage (we just got have those to be a world dentition city??) that all have lost money, cost the local residents hard earned money, that could be better utilized in improving our sick community, general fund, bad luck ltva.
    I plan on building positive relationships with our state and federal representatives. “This comment been kicked to death over the years” and then you say the opportunities are endless? I bet they are carpetbagger.

    Talk cheap……you need to put your time in like the rest that have suffered to be locals.
    Something tells me, you would pillage us like the rest have already done.