Meeting to decide where to spend money on North Shore forests

The Nevada/Placer County Resource Advisory Committee will meet Nov. 5 at the Placer County Water Agency (144 Ferguson Road, Auburn) beginning at 10am. The purpose of this meeting is to vote on which projects the RAC will recommend for funding.

The public is invited to attend.

The RAC has more than $390,000 to allocate for Round 2 project proposals.

These projects must benefit National Forest System land in either Placer or Nevada county and can include: improving the maintenance of existing infrastructure; enhance forest ecosystems; restore and improve land health and water quality; road, trail and infrastructure maintenance or obliteration; soil productivity improvement; improvements in forest ecosystem health; watershed restoration and maintenance; control of noxious or exotic weeds; restoration, maintenance, and improvement of fish and wildlife habitat and the re-establishment of native species.

For additional information, contact Joanne Roubique, Truckee district ranger (530) 587.3558, Jennifer Montgomery, RAC chair (530) 889.4010 or Ann Westling, public affairs officer (530) 478.6205.