Money trickling into council, sheriff campaigns

The latest round of campaign contributions for California candidates has been documented.

Candidates must file the paperwork if at least $1,000 was part of the campaign revenues or expenses.

cashThe forms may be found below by clicking on the candidate’s last name. The campaign forms are for South Lake Tahoe City Council and El Dorado County sheriff. Douglas County charges $1/page for these disclosure forms.

Lake Tahoe News will continue to report the financial documents until the last set is due Jan. 31. Craig Therkildsen has multiple forms based on contributions since the last deadline.

Joy Curry

John D’Agostini

Tom Davis

Claire Fortier

Elizabeth Hallen

Steve Kubby

Angela Swanson

Craig Therkildsen; Therkildsen-2; Therkildsen-3.

— Compiled by Kathryn Reed