Opinion: Re-elect Reid to fifth term
Publisher’s note: This editorial is from the Oct. 17, 2010, Reno Gazette-Journal.
Nevadans already are burdened with a U.S. senator whose personal indiscretions have made him largely ineffective.
Now they’re being told that they should jettison a four-term senator who has risen to the most powerful post in the Congress in favor of a woman who consistently was voted least effective member of the Assembly during her four terms in the Nevada Legislature.
Even members of Republican Sharron Angle’s own party recognize the absurdity of the proposition. Such prominent Republicans as Reno Mayor Bob Cashell, Sparks Mayor Geno Martini, State Senator Bill Raggio and former Nevada first lady Dema Guinn have announced their support for incumbent Sen. Harry Reid, the Senate majority leader — and they’ve been unfairly vilified for their temerity.
Other Republicans offer a particularly dubious rationale for supporting Angle: Get rid of Reid now; we can deal with Angle in six years.
Reid, seeking his fifth term in the Senate, is far from perfect, but he remains an effective advocate for Nevada’s interests in the nation’s capital, a skillful politician who has used his position to make a difference in his home state and help the nation work its way out of some very difficult times. He should be re-elected.