Opinion: Vote Fortier next week

To the community,

I am writing to endorse Claire Fortier for City Council. It is my belief that a vote for Claire is a vote to bring prosperity and prestige back to our city of South Lake Tahoe. Claire has the strength of character, the honesty, integrity and work ethic it requires to pull our council together in a collaborative effort to move our city forward.

As a 21-year resident of South Lake Tahoe, I have owned a small business, and I have raised my children in this town. It is a good place to live, and I want to take back our town so that my friends, my children and my grandchildren will also have a good place to live: Claire Fortier is the person I trust to turn our town around and point it in the right direction again!

Please vote for Claire Fortier on Nov. 2, and show that you want to take back our town too.


Maria A. Pielaet, South Lake Tahoe