S. Tahoe reaching out to community about lead paint issues
In honor of Lead Poisoning Prevention Week and efforts to make homes healthier for children and families, South Lake Tahoe’s Lead Safe Tahoe Team will host an open house Oct. 28 beginning at 1pm in the Redevelopment/Housing Conference Room at 1901 Airport Road, Suite 107.
Partnering with the city are El Dorado County and Barton Health. Barton will provide free lead poisoning screening for qualified households.
The Lead Safe Tahoe Team will answer questions about lead paint hazards, healthy homes initiative and the city’s programs providing free assistance to residents and home owners.
In 1999 the U.S. Senate established the National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week to occur every year during the last full week in October. This year’s theme “Lead-Free Kids for a Healthy Future” underscores the importance of testing homes and children for lead poisoning to prevent serious health effects in young children.