Snippets about Lake Tahoe

Barton Health• Click here for Barton Health’s flu clinics.

• California Conservation Corps hopes to have the foundation in on the Meyers overhaul by Oct. 15. Finding the pool for the old hotel in a spot it wasn’t supposed to be has caused delays. The whole project is supposed to be done by January 2012, with the buildings done a year from now.

Friday Night Lights returns to South Tahoe High on Oct. 8. The plan is to one-day install permanent lights on the football field. This will be discussed at the Oct. 12 Lake Tahoe Unified School District board meeting.

• Learn from the experts at IMBA during a weekend-long trail building and maintenance workshop Oct. 15-17. This free workshop will teach mountain bike enthusiasts methods to build sustainable single-track trails. Everyone is welcome – call the Kirkwood Bike Park guys at (209) 258.7233 for additional details.

• The Postal Regulatory Commission denied the Postal Service’s request to increase the price of a stamp from 44 to 46 cents.