Yanish gives reasons to be on KGID board
Dear friends and neighbors,
I write to express to you why I am running for KGID Board of Trustees, why I am the most qualified candidate, and to ask for your support. Many people don’t vote in mid-term elections, and I ask that you come out and vote on Nov. 2.
Four out of five board seats are up for election, and it’s imperative that the new trustees are qualified and knowledgeable on KGID issues. By voting, you can make a major difference on a local level.
As a trustee, I will make sure that your voice is heard. I will make important decisions on water metering, replacement of infrastructure, and being prepared for compliance with future federal laws. Each of which will have a costly impact on the district if not carefully anticipated.
I have been a resident of KGID for the majority of the time since I relocated to Tahoe in 2002. I am a buyer specialist for Deb Howard and Company, a real estate brokerage in business in Tahoe for 10 years. I represent buyers in real estate transactions and help new community members find Tahoe homes. My real estate experience gives me the knowledge of property ownership terminology and concepts needed to understand the complicated issues that face the district.
I am a Lake Tahoe South Shore Chamber of Commerce ambassador, volunteer regularly with local nonprofits, and am an active community member. My community participation keeps me on top of local government, environmental, and economic issues.
As a trustee, I will encourage the implementation of outreach programs for homeowners. Residents and businesses in the district need to be empowered with education on how to protect our environment and resources, while saving money on utility bills. Partnering and communicating with other entities like the Nevada Tahoe Conservation District, the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, and the Tahoe Douglas Fire Protection District will utilize existing programs and resources. Renovation and investment in the buildings and landscaping in our neighborhoods needs support and direction.
It is also crucial for the district to cut down on operating costs and waste where possible, while also continuing to provide quality service.
Now is the time to look forward and anticipate future projects and the maintenance of our existing infrastructure. Grant funding is severely limited because of economic times. It is critical to show grantors that we are compliant with conservation efforts. As a trustee, I will set a fair and equitable residential water base rate and metering rate structure, based on usage data, budgetary needs, and feedback from you: my friends and neighbors.
I’ve been attending and participating in board meetings for over a year (including the rate structure workshop and budget meetings), and am well versed in the issues facing the district. The General Improvement District is in a unique landscape and community and I am the best candidate to represent your voice. I need your vote, and your participation.
Natalie Yanish