Barnes & Nobles’ troubles filtering to LTCC’s bookstore

By Kathryn Reed

With Barnes & Noble seeking a buyer, the future of Lake Tahoe Community College’s bookstore is a bit precarious.

The national book chain runs the bookstore and coffee cart at the South Lake Tahoe institution. The contract is for Barnes & Noble to pay a percentage of profits to LTCC. They are – it’s just always been the minimum.

ltccThe money is being kept in a reserve account in case the college needs to take the bookstore over again.

Hours of the coffee cart have been cut back and talk is it might stop operating completely.

As with most printed material, even textbooks are becoming obsolete. Bryan Swartout, student trustee on the college board, said he didn’t buy a textbook this quarter.

E-readers and discounted textbooks are two ways to avoid purchasing new books. Barnes & Noble has the Nook, an e-reader that textbooks can be downloaded on.

The future of the mega-book chain could be known after the Nov. 17 shareholder meeting.