Explaining what real Giants baseball torture is

By John Diaz

No matter what happens in the final World Series games of this magical season, we can retire the cute but inaccurate slogan “Giants baseball: torture.” As a Giants fan of nearly a half century, I know torture. This is not it. This season has produced moments that will be recalled by Giants fans who were not even born today, just as I get a thrill every time I hear the Russ Hodges call of Bobby Thomson’s pennant-winning 1951 home run over the Dodgers or watch newsreel footage of Willie Mays’ over-the-shoulder catch against the Cleveland Indians in the last World Series the Giants won, for New York, in 1954.

giants“Uuuuu …. rrrrrrrrriiii …beeee.”

I will never hear that chant again without thinking of it reverberating through the corridors as joyous fans left AT&T Park after Juan Uribe knocked in the winning run for the Giants over the favored Phillies in Game 4 of the National League Championship Series.


Torture is the many seasons that came and went without a lasting memory.

John Diaz is The Chronicle’s editorial page editor. Email: jdiaz@sfchronicle.com.

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