Flights increase at LT Airport, hangar space goes unused


With 13 hangars at Lake Tahoe Airport vacant, this means $65,000 in revenues not being generated. Airport Director Sherry Miller is trying to find ways to fill those spots, likely with incentives. Details have not been worked out.

lake tahoe airportA report to the City Council this month from the Airport Commission shows traffic count year to date is up nearly 20 percent, while reports of noise level being higher than allowed is down 14 percent compared to 2009.

While CalStar and HeliTahoe say their numbers are slightly down from a year ago, the Lake Tahoe Flight School that opened in January 2009 is seeing its business increase.

To help with airport work an unpaid intern has been brought in to work on the updating the Airport Emergency Plan, Airport Certification Manual and clean up the archives.

— Kathryn Reed


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Comments (27)
  1. Steven says - Posted: November 21, 2010

    Noise level? What a joke! Who is monitoring? The system that $250,000 was spent on does work and there is no way to stop plans from making to much noise. No fines are ever levied, or allowed, just a request to not make so much noise, as per Sherry Miller!… Heli Tahoe is the biggest offender as far as noise. While giving lessons they constantly circle our neighborhoods. The noise coming from Heli Tahoe has no place in Tahoe, especially over our heads. Get rid of them now!!

  2. Steve says - Posted: November 21, 2010

    The increase in airplane traffic count at the SLT Airport should be reviewed. If the increase is due to flight students merely practicing landing and taking off, then this is hardly cause for celebration.

    And the empty hangars should be rented out for winter boat storage. Even to non-city boat owners if necessary.

  3. steve says - Posted: November 21, 2010

    Heli-Tahoe circles neighborhoods around the airport and has become a nuisance. Shut them and the airport down.

  4. Robert Fleischer says - Posted: November 21, 2010

    Hopefully Sherry Miller will find a way to obtain not only hangar rentors, but some type of commercial air service for South Lake Tahoe, something that has been missing for many years. An increase in students taking flight lessons is a small but needed step towards airport viability. The airport could be of immense benefit to the City. There will always be naysayers, “not in my back yard” types. It won’t be easy for the airport to ‘make a profit’ without commercial flight service. I’m very much in favor of expanding airport operations. For commercial flights, smaller jets that are QUIET are available. The entire town will benefit if the airport becomes a grand success. Money generated by passengers and airport operations will benefit many types of businesses and individuals here at South Lake Tahoe. I’ve lived here for 38 years, and am only too well aware of the politics, NIMBY types….and much ETC!…involved with this airport over the years.

  5. HARDtoMAKEaLIVINGinTAHOE says - Posted: November 22, 2010

    Wayne Newton stop performing here because they always fines hime for his jet noise,then when the trpa bugged him about his future horse breeding in the meadow off elks road , he told them to cramp it,sold out,never really did many shows after that.
    They use to levied fines Steven,his was 10.000 a pop.

  6. lou pierini says - Posted: November 22, 2010

    $65,000.00 for 13 hangars, $5000.00 per year, $417.00 per mo. then what would the sq. ft. price be? 10 cents?. The Airport director, makes at least $140,000.00 with vac.days, sick days, holidays, medical dental and eye car added to a salery of $81,106.00, with no commerical, I know how I would save the $65,000.00. 44 weeks of work for $2200.00 per week, when min wage in town is $300.00 per. week we should all work for the City of South Lake.

  7. HARDtoMAKEaLIVINGinTAHOE says - Posted: November 22, 2010

    Lou, We all do work for the city,look at the home ownership tax bill.
    The recession started few years back but the tax at that time in the days of plenty hasn’t did anything for performance in town then or now in a recession, it got worse,it’s not my imagination either.

    Does anyone remember before all the development,they use to sand,gravel,oil our streets around every 3 years,it’s been so long, I can’t even remember the last time we got anything like that done.

    I don’t mind paying city people good wages for doing a good job,but now days it got real Flakey.
    No one answers the phone now days,even when you leave a message.

  8. John W. Runnels says - Posted: November 22, 2010

    This makes no sense at all I was asked to give up and move from my hanger because there was a back log of pilots waiting for one. I had been a renter of hangers from since the 1980’s and had paid thousands of dollars to the support of the airport. Now the Fire Department has the Sommermeier hanger (largest hanger at the field) I leased for years. Are they paying rent? Is the relationship between the Airport director and the City Fire Marshall affecting the airports sustainability and profitability?

  9. Steven says - Posted: November 22, 2010

    Hard to…. I always heard fines were levied also, but had no real evidence. According to the airport manager-Sherry Miller- no fines are ever levied. Yet over $250,000 has been spent on a non functioning noise monitering system the last few years. That airport is nothing but a black hole, the original “HOLE” !

  10. dogwoman says - Posted: November 22, 2010

    I’m out in the meadow all the time and have the helitahoe copter circle around. That is one of the quietest helecopters I’ve ever heard! It’s not even slightly bothersome!
    You’d think in these times of economic hardship and government’s poor attitude toward business, we the citizens would applaud a company that tries to provide a service and be a good neighbor as well.
    Some people are never satisfied with anything, I swear!

  11. Patricia says - Posted: November 22, 2010


  12. Chuck Halladay says - Posted: November 22, 2010

    Twenty Years of Failure

    For whom is the airport?
    And when they help pay?
    Or will the jet set finally be made to fund its own way?
    How long will the South Shore’s non jet owners’ continue to pay?

    For twenty years we’ve endeavored to keeping it paved
    Indentured to paying for fares and Federally loaned overlays
    Bought for a dollar at the height of gaming’s hey day
    This whole airport ideal reeks of decay

    It’s time take the airport off life support
    Its time for it to finally die and go away

    Another SL of T’s past City Councils’ mistakes?
    What might the South Shore look like had they not gambled this way?
    Our sidewalks and streetlights sold out for airport dues paid?

    Is Minden really that far away?
    And plenty of room for a great big runway
    I wonder how much their non plane-owning citizens pay
    To hear the noise of air traffic taking off and landing all day?
    Just a little louder than a vacuum I’d say
    More like thunder compared to a radio’s play

    It veils the sound of the beauty of what Twain named Sapphire Bay
    Where we could have scores of Soccer and ball fields where that damn tarmac lay
    More than enough for great regional play
    Creating more reasons for families and business to stay

    Turning the airport into something that pays
    This is a large part of the bright future
    For the City on the shores of Sapphire Bay

  13. farkworth says - Posted: November 22, 2010

    make a great RV park and make money

  14. HARDtoMAKEaLIVINGinTAHOE says - Posted: November 22, 2010

    RIGHT DOG, Some people are never satisfied with anything, I swear!

    How about you being the first in line?

    I about ran off the road laughing when I read this.

  15. HARDtoMAKEaLIVINGinTAHOE says - Posted: November 22, 2010

    John, maybe it was your buddy on the council that gave you a hard time,pulling strings cause he didn’t like your political statements when they wanted your corner.

  16. ME says - Posted: November 22, 2010

    John please tell us more……Is the relationship between the Airport director and the City Fire Marshall affecting the airports sustainability and profitability?

  17. 30yearlocal says - Posted: November 23, 2010

    Just remember that we can’t close the airport or we have to return mega bucks back to the FAA…and we don’t have that kind of money.

    The best answer is to figure out what to do to make it better, just like with everything else in town. Always easier to complain and point fingers, can’t we work together and make it a success?

  18. John W. Runnels says - Posted: November 23, 2010

    Me, I don’t know but am curious especially with all the inappropriate manuevers present in City government, coupled with the lack of transparency, and other problems brought forth by the Grand Jury report.
    When the hanger occupancy rates have gone from 100% with a long waiting list to a situation where 13 are empty, it is strange even in this economy. The airport has weathered many recessions in the past with 100% occupancy, why not now?
    I am curious as to whether the Fire Department pays for its hanger or whether its a sweetheart deal that costs the airport needed revenue. Having the largest hanger at the airport unavailable for aviation related business’ can not be beneficial for the airport. It limits the ability for a aviation firm with larger airplanes to base at and contribute to the viability of the airport.

  19. embarrased about the Y says - Posted: April 23, 2011

    What a joke. We have a guy who has a junkyard at the Y called “Runnels Automotive” complaining about the City. I would give you a free hanger if you would move your junk pile away from the Y. BTW – since you brought up shady sweetheart deals with the City, how is it that you have a pile of wrecks without current tags???

    Maybe the City will finally get the nerve to run your wrecking yard out of town.

  20. John W. Runnels says - Posted: April 23, 2011

    And then we would have one less business in town and at the “Y”. I own my property, pay my taxes and contribute my time to the community. I am embarassed at the fact our stores are vacant, our streets destroyed, and our unemployment rate is just under 20%, and the City government still fails to address the problems at hand.
    Our local government has chased after high priced rainbows presented by out of town corporations and their consultants while antagonizing local businesses and engaging in micro managemnet while our town shrivels and dies. They have given unending freebies to the large corporations, mismanaged contracts, and attempted to over burden local businesses with taxes, fees, and unending regulation and restrictions.
    I keep my corner exceptionally clean. Sidewalks are swept, litter is removed, and my buildings are well maintained. My restorations sell all around the USA and the world. I have been here for 40 years and will be here until I choose to leave.
    I have tried in the past to sell or develop my property only to be stymied by requirements or regulations which make it inequitable for myself or a potential buyer.
    I am embarrased by you “embarrased about the Y “, as you seem to be ignorant about the private property rights given to Americans by the Constitution and our system of jurisprudence and too embarrassed to use your real name.

  21. Mike Phillips says - Posted: April 23, 2011

    Well said Mr.Runnels.

  22. dogwoman says - Posted: April 23, 2011

    Right ON, Mr. Runnels! You are the only shopkeeper I see who is outside regularly sweeping up the PUBLIC sidewalks and generally taking good care of the place. I personally happen to love old cars and I like seeing what’s on the lot. It is so NOT a junkyard. The only reason I can figure that so many people voice objection to your business is that they don’t care for your conservative politics. Liberals always seem to want to shut down anything they personally disagree with, no?
    I say, Keep up the good fight! You have supporters.

  23. Froggy says - Posted: April 23, 2011

    Agreed John, keep up the good work at the intersection.

  24. tahoeadvocate says - Posted: April 23, 2011

    Here’s another Runnels supporter. Maybe you could expand and occupy the corner across the street.

  25. Skibum says - Posted: April 23, 2011

    Not unless he want’s to move indoors to the Thrift store / Indoor Flea Market that’s rumored to be going in the spring, late spring, forgotton spring and probably not going to happen spring lol.

  26. Tahoan25 says - Posted: April 23, 2011

    Yes well said Mr Runnels. I miss the quirky and successful local businesses that used to be here. It is time to give up the corporate raider dreams whose monies and profits will not stay here at the south shore.

  27. John W. Runnels says - Posted: April 23, 2011

    I want to especially Thank all of you for your support!! Those of you here, those who came by in person, phoned, or honked and waved.

    In trying times like these we all need to help and support all the members of our community.

    Thanks again,