Flights increase at LT Airport, hangar space goes unused

With 13 hangars at Lake Tahoe Airport vacant, this means $65,000 in revenues not being generated. Airport Director Sherry Miller is trying to find ways to fill those spots, likely with incentives. Details have not been worked out.

lake tahoe airportA report to the City Council this month from the Airport Commission shows traffic count year to date is up nearly 20 percent, while reports of noise level being higher than allowed is down 14 percent compared to 2009.

While CalStar and HeliTahoe say their numbers are slightly down from a year ago, the Lake Tahoe Flight School that opened in January 2009 is seeing its business increase.

To help with airport work an unpaid intern has been brought in to work on the updating the Airport Emergency Plan, Airport Certification Manual and clean up the archives.

— Kathryn Reed