Fortier, Davis, Swanson take over South Tahoe council
By Susan Wood
With all precincts reporting from El Dorado County at 1:30am Wednesday, Claire Fortier, Tom Davis and Angela Swanson have won the tight South Lake Tahoe City Council race consisting of 10 diverse candidates.
The trio going for the three seats vacated by City Councilmembers Jerry Birdwell, Kathay Lovell and Bill Crawford has name recognition – with Davis and Swanson already having served to mold public policy in a town that Fortier has declared is at “a tipping point.” Davis served on the council for 12 years. Swanson held a seat on the Lake Tahoe Unified School District board.
Fortier – a former editor of the Tahoe Daily Tribune — is the top vote getter with 16.57 percent, or 1,283 votes. She’s followed by Davis with 15.28 percent of the vote, 1,183 ballots; and Swanson at 12.05 percent or 933 votes.
All votes are preliminary and must be certified by the county. Final votes for all races are usually tabled within a few weeks. The council candidates will take office Dec. 14.
For a job that pays less than $500 a month, they are apt to be making pennies per hour.
They come in having to deal with two stalled construction projects – Lakeview Commons and the convention center. The latter is in bankruptcy court. They also must deal with a bankrupt transit system that is mired in lawsuits.
Unemployment is near 18 percent in the city, roads necessitate four-wheel drive without snow or mountain bike tires, storefronts are empty, the electorate angry.
Rounding out the council ballot are:
Joy Curry, 899 votes, 11.61 percent
Alice Jones, 877 votes, 11.32 percent
Elizabeth Hallen, 820 votes, 10.59 percent
Steve Kubby, 830, 10.72 percent
Adrian Gooch, 442 votes, 5.71 percent
Georg May, 205 votes, 2.65 percent
Clint Schue, 146 votes, 1.89 percent
Doug Cichowicz, 96 votes, 1.24 percent
Other Tahoe related issues
Measure E, the business tax fee hike for South Lake Tahoe, came in dead even with 1,462 for it and 1,462 against it. It needed to pass by one vote to proceed.
City Clerk Suzie Alessi and city Treasurer Dave Olivo had an easy Election Day – they ran unopposed.
Assemblyman Ted Gaines, R-Roseville, won both of his races – to retain his Assembly seat and in the special election against three others for the state Senate seat of the late Dave Cox. Gaines will face Democrat Ken Cooley on Jan. 4 in a run-off for the state Senate seat. If he wins, he will have to resign the Assembly seat, which means a special election to fill that vacancy.
Rep. Tom McClintock will easily retain his congressional seat that includes the California side of the Lake Tahoe Basin. He has nearly twice the number of votes as his Democrat opponent Clint Curtis.
Congratulations to Claire, Tom and Angela, on winning and on running such excellent campaigns.
South Lake Tahoe was the biggest winner tonight, because all three of these civic minded individuals will work long and hard to find solutions to the serious problems facing our favorite city.
Meanwhile, I do plan on remaining politically active, especially in my efforts to reign in the TRPA. For those who would like to join me, please drop me line at
Keep Tahoe Free,
Steve Kubby
Congratulations to all…it was a great race by so many dedicated community members! I plead for those that lost to continue in your involvement and come back next election…will be other seats open!
Be the watchdog, but also the aide.
Thanks to all that ran!
Now is the time for all residents and businesses to work together to return a viable, healthy business climate to our town. Whether we are residents of the City or the County, it is our job to pull together, to forget our differences and with our new Councilmembers strive to solve the many problems facing our community.
We have many surmountable problems facing us, but we have a common love of our home and a deep understanding of how unique and truly special our area is, that will allow us to solve them together. We must look not to the issues that separate and polarize us, but to those that will unite and energize us in our efforts to raise South Lake Tahoe as a truly successful economy, which offers to all residents and visitors alike a chance to enjoy our environmental bounty, prosper in our jobs , and be secure in our homes.
Citizens Alliance for Responsible Government
Well done, the process works! I especially enjoyed seeing such great and potentially great talent running for office. We are well represented by those elected, congratualtions Claire, Tom and Angela, and encourage the others to stay involved in community activities and issues! Thank you all.
Glad I took the time to vote against the City’s deceptive, sneaky, misguided Measure E. It made a difference.
Congrats to the winners. The voters got it right. In the end, it came down to name recognition and a record of serving , representing and understanding our community in a positive and passionate manner. While marajuana had a lot of bandwidth in this election, I’m glad it did not become the major issue that got some people elected.
Thank you Steve for voting for those of us who could not. It goes to show that one vote makes a difference.
Not even 3000 people voted in the city, disgusting turnout. The city will continue to decline and decay due to lack of enthusiasm and the minority will prevail with their agendas. Where were all the “Locals?” Edgewood will get their TAU’s, Heavenly Vailly will never pay taxes, services will be cut, Lane will still own this town, everyone will get their Cola’s and the TRPA wil continue to run amok. Help Mr. Wizard O’Rourk as you are now “Our Saviour”
Congratulations to Claire, Tom and Angela. And, as one who attended every forum, I applaud all of the candidates for running a clean race, and for having the courage to put themselves out there! I hope each one will continue to be involved.
By the way, Skibum: there were about 7500 who voted. Remember that there were 10 candidates, and the vote was spread all over. Claire, Tom and Angela were the TOP vote getters. It was actually a pretty high voter turnout for our city.
Hear hear John Runnels!
It was an exciting race. Congrats to the winners. Living in the county and not being able to actually have a say in the city matters was a nail biter. Who’d have thought a measure like E could have a dead even split?! Amazing! Glad it didn’t pass and I hope that we can start fresh with this new city council. Good luck to all!
I’m guessing they will recount Measure E, so stay tuned.
Will be cautiously optimistic that this new group, with the remaining members will start anew with an open counsel that strives to do what’s best for the community, keeps an open mind, considers all peoples opinions, and is beyond reproach when it comes to favoritism/nepotism.
Good luck you guys, and thanks for taking the job, we will be supportive in your good efforts :)
Thank you voters of South Lake Tahoe for choosing reason over rhetoric and rejecting Steve Kubby. The Lake and the surrounding communities won on Tuesday.
I would agree that there will be a recount of Measure E. If the recount finds that it passes, the Citizens Alliance will be ready to fight its unfairness, as far and as long as it takes, as it did with the Citys previous attempt to unfairly tax City businesses through their BID.
I hope that our new Councilmembers will realize that business is the backbone of our Community needing their support and nurturing and not just a revenue source to be continually drained.
Mo, I am still sticking to the under 3K # as you could vote for three so you can’t add them all together to come up with 7500. I am basing this on Measure E where you get a real total based on one vote. I hope you are right about your # as that would be close to half the town but until I see the total voting results on the elections website I am going with the historical average.
Congratulations to all! I applaud all of the candidates for bringing such enthusiasm and concrete solutions to many of the issues we face. I encourage the candidates that were not elected to remain politically active, and strive to implement some of the wonderful ideas they had for the community. And, to those that we’re elected, I look forward to seeing many improvements to Tahoe as promised during your campaigns. It’s been a long time that I’ve actually been hopeful and optomistic that our community can change direction. Congratulations!
In the future, I hope that all of our community members, including those that live in the County, will be able to have a voice in these very important elections, which have tangible effects on their businesses and lives.
Thumbs up to Skibum for using what you learned in school. Math is important people!
I can’t believe someone even questioned your math…. our education system is tanking. Let’s cut more funding. Stupid people are easier to herd (GOP)
Thank you John and the Alliance for your statement to help protect the citizens if a recount turns Measure E around.
I was disappointed that our new city manager wrote in the Chamber review that Measure E would offer voters the opportunity to decrease the current business license tax. I would not be calling wizard O’Rourke our savior. I hope ski bum was being sarcastic.
fpogen – Are you referring to the GOP, ie Republicans as being stupid? I take offense to that. I know many intelligent Republicans and Democrats. Just because someone does not follow your views, that is no reason for name calling. Maybe this is the reason our country is in such a sorry state – why can’t we all work together for a common good?
Me Sarcastic?? lol
I must agree that the total turnout of voters is appalling. Over the years I have heard that less than 50% of those who are eligible to vote are registered and less than 40% of those registered even bother to vote which means that 20% of the people are making the decisions. (I would truly not be surprised to find that even these figures are a bit too generous).
We really need to make everyone understand that their ‘one’ vote really can and does make a difference.
Congrats to Claire, Tom and Angela. Go get ’em.
Not sure if I understand, to the best on my knowledge the measure E was going to lower the tax for the business who do not meet the max gross income and it was going to raise the max for the larger business such as Raley, Safeway, etc who only pay the max of $3,387 a year no matter what their gross is plus they are paying the same tax rate but smaller business do not get a break they have to pay on their full gross income because they do not make enough to hit the max. What the city should do if have no max gross income so everyone is paying the tax rate on their actual gross income that is the only fair option.
$500. a month plus $1400.00 a month for Health, Dental and vison Ins. Only Bill Crawford declined the benifit. Will anyone follow his decision to decline this perk? i.e. the min. wage is about $1350.00 a mo.
There are people, past and present, associated with the City Council whose main reason for serving on the Council is the Gold Cadillac version of medical, dental, vision insurance provided, that most others can only dream about. Similar to the U.S. Congress.
Same over at STPUD’s Board of Directors.
The finest health insurance money can buy, paid for from the public till, that these people have voted to grant themselves. Don’t be fooled.
I believe that the problem as I have been told is the 3% per year that the City could choose to increase the Business license fee without further voter input (it’s a fee not a tax). I was also told there is no sunset or end to this increase. Thus the 10% decrease the City was going to give to smaller businesses would be null and void in three years and the rates would continue to climb at 3% per year, at the City Councils choice.
What the Alliance finds troubling is that there was no mention of Measure E, by the City or others, in the local papers, radio, or blogs until a week before the elections. Nor were city businesses, the affected parties notified of its existance, specifics, or impact upon them. I was totally unaware of it being a County resident, until a member brought it to my attention several days days before the election,when it was to late to inform the Public.
City, Sleight of Hand?
This story ran June 9, 2010, in Lake Tahoe News:
and this story ran the same day in the Tahoe Daily Tribune:
Kathryn Reed, LTN publisher
Number of Precincts 6
Precincts Reporting 6 100.0 %
Vote For 3
Times Counted 3659/8747 41.8 %
Total Votes 8436
JOY CURRY 976 11.57%
TOM H. DAVIS 1279 15.16%
CLAIRE FORTIER 1402 16.62%
ADRIAN GOOCH 480 5.69%
ALICE H. JONES 973 11.53%
ANGELA SWANSON 1024 12.14%
STEVE KUBBY 893 10.59%
GEORG M. MAY 224 2.66%
Thanks but isn’t this a total of all the votes combined? If this is the total voters, 3659, then I have to wonder why there were less than 3000 votes for Measure E? Each voting counting machine has a talley number on it that counts the the number of people who voted, not who the voted for the top three which can add to the numbers That is the number I am looking for If what you show is a true number then the apathy is greater than anyone thought as the number of votes don’t add up. Not looking for a conspiracy here but an accurate number of registered voters versus voters who showed up versus the new census total which will give us actual count on how many live here year round which I think will be about 14,000.
It appears that the Tribune did not report on the 3% increase in there June article. This paper did, however, I did not have a lap top back then.
The idea of business licenses being based on gross instead of net seems to me like you are being taxed on your cost of goods sold, and the sales tax you collected, and shipping costs, all bills you pay that look like you brought in money. Grocery stores only make a 2-3% net profit after payroll, utilities, insurance ect.
All businesses, big and small should be given a break, especially in this economy or there won’t be any jobs.
If Measure E does squeek by, please tell me where I sign up to donate money & time to overturn it!
If the City Mgr. did support it, then it shows that you can just lump with all the other bureaucrats!
And do I understand that someone is actually surprised that the Tribune fell short in its reporting?
My apologies to the Lake Tahoe News and the Tahoe Daily Tribune. I was out of town at the time of these articles and the City Council meeting at which it was brought up. My error, I should have known.
Again my apologies. Does anyone out there still have a copy of the City voter guide, so I could read th
My apologies to the Lake Tahoe News and the Tahoe Daily Tribune. I was out of town at the time of these articles and the City Council meeting at which it was brought up. My error, I should have known.
Again my apologies. Does anyone out there still have a copy of the City voter guide, so I could read the exact text of the measure?
Voter turnout numbers are in this story:
Kathryn Reed, LTN publisher
As I read some of the response’s here it is obvious that most do not own a business. Sales tax, liability insurance, comp and just about everything else is based on Gross Receipts rather than net. Always been that way always will be. No it is not fair especially in the construction industry.
The fact that no arguments for or against Measure E were submitted, reflects a disservice to voters. The wording of the measure on the ballot was disingenuous, misleading, and purposely confusing. Why didn’t the public pension padding bureaucrats who concocted this tax grab have the courage to submit their names with an argument in its behalf? How does one submit an argument against such a misguided measure when the first indication of its existence is its actual appearance on the ballot? Nowhere is the minimum 3 percent tax increase mentioned except in the legal fine print in the appendix at the end of the Voter Information Pamphlet.
Here is what appeared on the ballot, good luck trying to figure it out:
“City of South Lake Tahoe – Measure E: Shall the ordinance that amends the methods for calculating certain business taxes in the City of South Lake Tahoe to increase locally controlled revenue for city services and operations – such as police, fire, paramedics, snow removal, parks, and street repair – by reducing the percentage of taxes paid on gross revenues and increasing the not to exceed amount from $3,387 to $10,000 per calendar year, be adopted?”
This kind of misleading shenanigan is a disgrace.
They have to be misleading! Even in liberal California, people almost always vote down tax increases! Thank goodness the people voted down the vehicle license “For State Parks (yeah right)” fee, and we’re now going to reclassify fees to what they really are-taxes!
Ski life not fair.
I know over 25 guys that have been working out town since June in Salt Lake, they got huge homes to build for the very wealthy Mc-Mansion with their own private airport in a rural area with lots on the average of 25 acres parcels, Average 4000 to 8000 sf .Lots of somebody’s with movie star, athletes, kind cash to throw around.
They do miss not being here with their families, friends, hope to be home for good by the middle of December. Some have already moved there took their families cause there’s money there, its beautiful there also.
Utah got lots educated young professionals, most are under 40.
One thing they like is no trpa to deal with great wages compared to Gouging basin and it’s mixed up tax rates, poor future planning in the private sector.a BIG MYSTERY HERE ,IS WE CAN GET 8000 PEOPLE TO VOTE ON MORONS and not vote to keep water rates in check??
Who do you turn to with any power in this town to finally get it running at 2% unemployment?
Rising taxes cause the prices TO GO UP, they are already steep HERE. Seems to be a bottomless pit for whatever cash they do find out our pockets are lost in bad business dealing or people they do HIRE.
The state way out line. We’re talking about a perfect storm: more state services needed for an aging population, a workforce that will spend more years in retirement than they did contributing to the funds and a smaller ratio of working-age taxpayers and contributing state workers to pay for it all.
By around 2012 or 2013, the three major state pensions’ obligations will be more than five times as large as total state tax revenue.
Time to move out of California.
Sorry to hear Liz Hallen was not elected. Hope she runs again and wins next time. Proud of you Liz.
skibum, 3892 votes for mes. E, vs. 10434 for s.l.t. council race, means 412 voters voted for less than 3 people, 10434 divided by three = 3480 vs. 3992 who voted on E. If you like only 1 person you vote for no other person.
foible, Bill Crawford has voted for us, the people, more than any other council member in the history of S.L.T.