History: USFS, historical estates have legacy of uneasy relationship

Publisher’s note: The following is from the May 1973 Lake Tahoe Historical Society newsletter.

The following letter was sent by our Forestry Service Committee chairman, Barbara Smith, May 3, 1973. If you feel as Barbara does, please send a letter on this matter to Mr. Schmidt.

Dear Mr. Schmidt,


Lake Tahoe Historical Society

We of the Lake Tahoe Historical Society are gratified to learn that funds are now available for an historical evaluation of the Richardson, Valhalla, McGonagle, Pope, and Fallen Leaf Lake areas. Our concern had been that destructive tendencies were afoot without proper consideration of historical value. That danger has now, hopefully, been allayed.

One other item has given us concern. The “estates” have been without a caretaker for some time now, and attrition in the form of vandalism and winter weather damage has been alarming. We would urge that you employ your good offices in an effort to acquire the funds and bureaucratic approval for caretaking facilities in that area.

If this group can be of any assistance in these matters please do not hesitate to call upon us.


Mrs. Barbara Smith, vice president