Memorial honors S. Tahoe’s young who died in combat

By Kathryn Reed

With snow on the ground and a chill in the air, the sun peaked through to shine a ray of light on those gathered for the somber occasion – the dedication of the memorial honoring South Lake Tahoe’s children who have died in combat.

Pfc. Brandon Williams, 21, died in October 2006 and Sgt. Tim Smith, 25, in April 2008.

A memorial honoring South Tahoe's youth who died in combat. Photos/Kathryn Reed

A memorial honoring South Tahoe's youth who died in combat. Photos/Kathryn Reed

The memorial is on the same plot of land along Highway 50 where the children’s memorial is.

The plaque on the large granite boulder reads, “This memorial is dedicated to all from our community who gave their lives and have served our country from all branches of service. We thank you for your sacrifice and you can rest assured that we will support your families and friends. You have served as an example to all Americans by giving of yourself to the ideals of freedom which is the basis on which our country was founded. May you rest in peace and forever remain in our hearts and in our prayers.”

It was Patty Smith, the mother of Sgt. Smith, who in August suggested a special place in town be set aside for the children in the community who died in combat. Mayor Kathay Lovell promised to have it done by Veterans Day. The dedication came one day before that deadline.

Smith, who quietly sat with son Tommy in the front row, spoke briefly – admitting to having visited the memorial several times before the Nov. 10 dedication.

Brad Williams, the father of Pfc. Williams, was out of town. On his behalf his brother, Brian, spoke about the legacy these young men have left behind.

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