Nev. in top 10, Calif. bottom 10 for business tax climate

By Kara Lapoint, Reno Gazette-Journal

The Tax Foundation, a nonprofit and nonpartisan tax-research group in Washington, D.C., has released its latest edition of the State Business Tax Climate Index, which ranks the tax systems of the 50 states.

Nevada came in at No. 4, which means the state had the fourth-best tax climate on the first day of the 2011 fiscal year, or July 1, 2010.

South Dakota’s tax system was ranked first, making it the most welcoming to economic activity, and was followed by Alaska and Wyoming at second and third.

Florida, Montana, New Hampshire, Delaware, Utah and Indiana rounded out the top 10, after Nevada.

The 10 states ranked to have the least hospitable business tax climates are (41st to 50th): North Carolina, Rhode Island, Minnesota, Maryland, Iowa, Ohio, Connecticut, New Jersey, California and New York.

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