Opinion: Alternative 2 the wrong plan for Washoe Meadow
Dear Publisher,
The public comment period for the Upper Truckee River Restoration/Golf Course Reconfiguration Project has been extended to Nov. 15. Please visit washoemeadowscommunity.org for a community perspective on the issue. I am opposed to Alternative 2, which is being “pushed” as the preferred alternative by the State Parks, TRPA and other involved agencies.
I will hereby describe my opposition to Alternative 2. Please stand in the middle of Washoe Meadow, which is the site of the proposed nine holes of the expanded golf course. Slowly circle around, in order to take in the 360-degree view. Now, please close your eyes and stand in silence for three minutes. You may be astonished by the profundity of what you just experienced. The variation of wildlife sounds, the magnificence of this special spot.
Washoe Meadow was deemed a state park in 1984 in a matter of “highest priority”. The properties and reasons for that designation have not diminished. In fact, since the 2007 Angora Fire, it is even more precious to wildlife and human visitor alike.
There are alternatives for restoring the Upper Truckee River, without expanding the footprint of the golf course, and moving nine holes into this unique and sensitive area.
I ask the State Parks and coordinating agencies to think with intelligence, as stewards of our precious environment, and with a respect for community input. Let’s wait for the new environmental impact report, and perhaps together we can then create a viable new alternative.
Hillary Dembroff, South Lake Tahoe