Opinion: Distorted facts continue

To the community,

The ecological impact of the Upper Truckee Restoration Project is too critical to allow misleading statistics to sway public opinion. But distorted facts continue to headline State Parks’ campaign to promote Alternative 2 as the “only viable” choice.

As reported in the article “TRPA Gets Earful on River Project at Golf Course, State Park” (Oct. 30 Lake Tahoe News), much of the logic of Alternative 2 – which would expand the golf course into Washoe Meadows – stems from the assumption that Lake Tahoe Golf Course is “among the top five revenue makers of California State Parks.”

However, the Parks’ own “System Statistical Reports” (available on the Parks website) clearly disproves this claim by ranking the golf course (Lake Valley State Recreation Area) as 46th among the highest income-producing Park system properties. Moreover, the report shows that income from the golf course is only about half of 1 percent of the system’s $80 million annual field revenue.

A study of several reports reveals that the backers of Alternative 2 are using statistical sleight-of-hand to promote their view and that they do not want transparency and candor.

We all are united in the quest to restore the stretch of the Upper Truckee that was sacrificed years ago for the development of Lake Tahoe Golf Course.

Let’s not sacrifice another natural resource, Washoe Meadows State Park, by allowing a project which is being justified by data that won’t hold up to public scrutiny. Restore the River and save Washoe Meadows State Park by advocating alternative 3 or 5.

Lynne Paulson, Meyers