Tahoe Keys sign put up illegally


By Kathryn Reed

A sign on Tahoe Keys Boulevard reads like the South Shore neighborhood doesn’t want anyone to set foot or drive on the streets except for owners.

South Lake Tahoe officials, when told about the sign by Lake Tahoe News, contacted the Tahoe Keys Property Owners Association and told them to take down the sign.

For starters, it’s on a pole that belongs to the city. Permission was never sought by the TKPOA to erect the sign. The ordinances cited have to do with parking, which is not what the message is trying to convey.


The sign on Tahoe Keys Boulevard before Venice Drive.

Plus, all those streets are city owned – not private.

Mike Marek, architectural control coordinator for the TKPOA, said, “The sign has been there forever. They keep stealing them.”

However, people in the neighborhood disagree, saying they first saw the sign last weekend.

Bob Albertazzi, South Lake Tahoe community police officer, said this is the first he’s seen such a sign.

Marek said one of the TKPOA board members wanted the sign up. He wouldn’t divulge her name.

But another board member, who didn’t want her name used, said the sign issue never went before any committee and never had board approval.

Without a general manager at TKPOA, it appears no one is really in charge. Interviews of general manager candidates will begin soon.

In the mean time, the sign must come down.


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Comments (25)
  1. HARDtoMAKEaLIVINGinTAHOE says - Posted: November 24, 2010

    The Keys owners have always thought they were above the rest.Their Tsunami Homes won’t last forever,then they can make a natural water filter,bury all who reside there,be done with the extra treatment the rest of us lack.

    “A Act of God is Definitely in the Cards for those snooty locals. .”

  2. Bob says - Posted: November 24, 2010

    Oh, so the city owns the streets? Why don’t you fix all of those cracks on Venice, SLT? It’s like riding a horse down the street.

  3. tahogal says - Posted: November 24, 2010

    The ACC guy is really subtle, “SHE wanted the signs up”……talk about passing the buck.

  4. Humored says - Posted: November 24, 2010

    The Keys Association is a joke. Always have been. Mike Marek doesn’t even live in Tahoe! He comes up from Sacramento. If that’s the kind of people the Board Members want representing them…Good Luck! They need a General Manager quick! Like I said, they’re a joke.

  5. HARDtoMAKEaLIVINGinTAHOE says - Posted: November 24, 2010


  6. Steven says - Posted: November 24, 2010

    What’s our new city council member have to say about it? Tom Davis lives there, got a comment Tom?

  7. Skibum says - Posted: November 24, 2010

    Steven, Tom does not live in the Keys, he only work there. You should get your facts straight before commenting. Not trying to diss you but this is a common theme for this site, present “facts” without finding out if their real or not.

  8. fpogen says - Posted: November 24, 2010

    “Tom does not live in the Keys, he only work there.”
    Was he part of management? If so, that is worse.
    We had a few people running for council who worked for TKPOA. That should be a red flag. Keep them out. The keys is a festering wound for the Lake. And apparently, it doesn’t care about the community either.

    Also, the Keys is ugly. It is out own little slice of socal suburban nightmare, here in Tahoe.

  9. Skibum says - Posted: November 24, 2010

    Tom is a partial owner of The Tahoe Keys Resort which has nothing to do with the Keys itself. They have been around since late 70’s and are a property management company, 1st or 2cd largest in South Shore. The Keys has been around since the 60′ after being dredged and filled for development by the Dillingham Construction Company. It has also made the list of the worst enviornmental disater of all time brought on by man.

  10. lou pierini says - Posted: November 24, 2010

    skibum, the dam at tahoe city is the #1 disaster, the Keys is #2, without the dam there would not be a tahoe keys.

  11. HARDtoMAKEaLIVINGinTAHOE says - Posted: November 25, 2010

    Ski bum.if my memory serves me well, the hush puppy shoe company of Hawaii put up the cash for that eye sore out there.

    I can remember when there was only 15 homes out there.Does look a little better since the landscaping grown up ,to at least have shade.Still, the water fowl…smells of crap if you bring some the bottom mud to the open air,it open your nostrils.

  12. Justin says - Posted: November 25, 2010

    Have you ever gone to the Homeowner’s Association office? They need to get rid of that grumpy old woman that has worked there forever. She really gives the place a bad name.

  13. Steven says - Posted: November 25, 2010

    And the 3rd disaster in Tahoe is Vacation Rentals and the city and county ordinances making them ok. And when Tom Davis was on the city council previously, you can bet he was pushing for them!! Vacation rentals have ruined out neighborhoods!!

  14. dogwoman says - Posted: November 25, 2010

    Have a Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone!

  15. hardtomakealivingintahoe says - Posted: November 25, 2010

    And the 3rd disaster in Tahoe is Vacation Rentals .

    I agree Steven,you know what struck me funny last night as I finished up a few big berms, is how many rentals don’t have snow removable…there were huge piles snow thrown out in the streets from pissed off rental people.
    They do make for road hazards,whose lible in these cases.(city or property owners,both?)

  16. steve says - Posted: November 25, 2010

    Vacation rentals have indeed put a dent into the restaurant and hotel business. But, the City nor County can prevent you from utilizing your property the way you wish. Fortunately, there are regulations in place for the rentals. It’s unknown to me if the regulations are enforced?

  17. dogwoman says - Posted: November 25, 2010

    Hard, I’ve seen plenty of locals throwing their driveway snow into the street. Guess they either don’t know that it’s illegal, or they just don’t care about other people trying to drive over their leavings.

  18. Passion4Tahoe says - Posted: November 26, 2010

    Actually, vacation rentals can be prohibited through appropriate zoning regulations.

    The problem here is that when there was a proliferation of vacation rentals and the issue came to a head, there was so much political pressure from vacation rental owners that the current regulatory approach was put in place.

    In my opinion, that was one of the biggest missteps that has led to the problems the area now faces.

    Down zoning now can be done, but the pressure to allow homeowners to continue to use residential units for commercial purposes would be ten times greater, now that people have legally become reliant on the income derived from the vacation rental industry – they now feel they have “a right”.

  19. steve says - Posted: November 26, 2010

    You have to be kidding? You are worrying about the keys when the rest of this town is a run down dump. One exception is the Heavenly Village. At least the keys maintains all their stuff. Unbelievable.

  20. dogwoman says - Posted: November 26, 2010

    If you want to see house prices (and everybody in the trades) take a HUGE hit, try making vacation rentals illegal. Since at least half the houses here are second homes and most of those get rented out at least part of the time to help with their mortgages, if the owners can’t rent them and can’t make their payments, there’ll be an even bigger glut of unsellable houses in Tahoe. Everyone I know who isn’t in the tourist industry is in the construction trades. What happens to all of them?

  21. Steven says - Posted: November 27, 2010

    Passion4Tahoe–Well put, and now that Vail owns Accomadation Station, it’s a slim chance anyone will ever see a “real neighborhood” in Tahoe again. I believe Mammoth has kept rentals out of the neighborhoods by limiting the rental duration to 30 days minimum. With so many of these vacation rentals in foreclosure, now would be a great time to reverse the re-zoning of our single family neighborhoods back to single family and not commercial lodging!! Give our neighborhoods back!! Except for Tom Davis, maybe the new city council will right this wrong!!

  22. Passion4Tahoe says - Posted: November 28, 2010

    Dogwoman, you have made my point. Most of the McMansions that have been built since the decision to allow vacation rentals despite the zoning that was in place at the time, are houses that most people who live and work here cannot afford. Very few modest homes that would be within financial reach of local residents have been built in the last ten years.

    I agree that local real estate agents and contractors, and indeed, property owners, would now be hurt financially if zoning were now enforced to revert our neighborhoods back to residential areas for our own local residents. I am not suggesting that is a viable alternative on a wide-spread basis.

    But this is something the community needs to learn from – the almighty dollar should not be the driving force behind good policy in any community. It can erode the very fabric of what is special!

  23. dogwoman says - Posted: November 28, 2010

    Passion, I suspect most people have been learning that lesson the last two years or so.
    One reason, though, that so many hideous McMansions were built recently was because of the confluence of a few factors: Land prices went up. Building permit prices (and the regulations) went up. Construction material prices went up. When you’re spending two or three hundred thousand for a piece of land, waiting 4 years for the permit which runs about forty thousand dollars, and you only have 3 to 4 months to get the framing up, it doesn’t make a lot of sense to build “affordable housing”. You gotta build something that’s going to make a profit. Or you go out of business and get a job waiting tables. It’s the way of the world.

  24. Steven says - Posted: November 28, 2010

    Dogwoman I think you are incorrect. You can make a profit on anything, just depends on the selling price. Profit just goes up the more you charge. And the bigger you build and the fancier, the more you use to be able to charge! Contractors or owner/builders or investors were making over $200,000 per mcmansion!! Build a smaller house and take a smaller profit, but everyone was and still is blinded by greed, especially realtors!! And very, very few, if any of these hideous mcmansion, were ever built with the idea of a family living there. The only thought was selling it to someone who would vacation rent it. So now we have these monster eye sores with more square footage than their lot size, standing next to nice Tahoe Cabins/Homes, and destroying our neighborhoods with noise, LIGHTS and tons of traffic!! Thank your city council members and county supervisors for this destruction, in the name of the all mighty TOT!! And especially those council members and supervisors who were looking out for there own wallet!!