TRPA’s Dennis Oliver dies after short illness

Publisher’s note: A more formal obituary is pending, in the mean time, Lake Tahoe News and TRPA want to share the following email Executive Director Joanne Marchetta sent to TRPA staff and board members.

Dear Staff, Governing Board, and APC members,

It’s with a heavy heart this morning that I’m writing to share sad news. Dennis Oliver, TRPA’s public information officer, passed away late afternoon yesterday. Dennis had been seriously ill for the last month and was hospitalized in Carson City. Those of us who were close to Dennis had the opportunity to be with him during his final days and he seemed at peace.

Dennis was a treasured employee of TRPA for just over three years. He represented the agency well and used his superlative writing talents to educate the public on environmental issues. Above all else, he loved Lake Tahoe and made no bones about sharing his passion for the lake with others.

We will keep you informed as arrangements and services are scheduled. We are planning to set up an arts and environmental education fund in his memory in lieu of flowers and we’ll share those details soon.

Thank you,
