Bijou school thankful for Heavenly’s support


To the community,

Bijou Community School has received tremendous support from

bijouHeavenly Mountain Resort through the ECHO grant. We would sincerely like to thank Heavenly for its wonderful contribution to the Two Way Immersion Program and the Field of Dreams Project.

We are very excited to continue to improve our school with community support from businesses like Heavenly. Thank you so much Heavenly. The lives of many children are being enriched through your generous donations.

Kathy Haven, Bijou parent


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Comments (8)
  1. Chuck Halladay says - Posted: December 13, 2010

    Kathy Haven:

    I can never seem to find anyone, including Vail management, who can tell me just what amount the Vail Corp gives to our community. What is the dollar value of their support of these two programs?

    About the only thing I can find is Vail Corp’s ECHO program giving to Tahoe Youth and Family Services:

    “…Vail Resorts Echo ensures that every youth can continue to “drop-in” whenever they need a safe place to access food, hygiene products, clothing and shelter…”.

    Sure sounds great, but when you look a little deeper, these “services” are only available Tues-Sat between 1-5pm… Just how much help is this to a runaway? Or anyone?

    This just seems like more Vail Corp hot air. And certainly not much for a $100,000,000 dollar business to contribute.

    John Rice, GM of Sierra, gave season’s passes to the H.S. Girls Volleyball team as congratulations on a perfect season. Has Vail done anything for anybody, except siphon profit out of our community?

    I think that the local CCC employees contribute more in one year than Vail ever has.

    PLEASE, SOMEONE, ANYONE – PROVE ME WRONG… and I’ll eat the paper this page is printed on.

  2. dogwoman says - Posted: December 13, 2010

    Vail provides employment for a lot of people in this town and if you don’t consider that a valuable contribution you’re a waste of oxygen.

  3. dogwoman says - Posted: December 13, 2010

    Sorry I was a little harsh. I just get mad when people assume that a business somehow “owes” the community something just because it exists. I wonder how many of the school children’s parents are employed and paid by Vail? Just how much is Vail supposed to do? How much do YOU support Heavenly? I mean, it just gets ridiculous. . .

  4. Alissa Nourse says - Posted: December 20, 2010

    Tahoe Youth & Family Services has been generouly supported by Vail Corp. and its Echo Foundation for 4 years. Vail and Heavenly have supported TYFS financially, with lift ticket and lesson packages for clients, as mentors to children with an incarcerated parent and through representation on our Board of Directors. Vail’s Echo Foundation funds a number of local agencies and have a public request for proposal process available online annually.
    Tahoe Youth & Family Services operates two drop in centers that give out food, clothing, hygeine products, shelter access, access to computers, counseling services and case management. Since July 2010 we have had over 1700 visits from youth seeking help and supportive services. In the past 6 months TYFS has given out almost 3000 food items to runaway and homeless youth as well as over 100 pairs of socks, 4 tents, over 50 clothing items and 125 hygeine products. We are helping many people in many ways who would otherwise not be getting any help. Our hours are dictated by the input we receive from youth who help to lead the services and all services are also available 24 hours a day 7 days a week via our toll free crisis line 1-800-870-8937.
    We welcome visits from the community to see and experience what we do. Please feel free to call me directly at 530-541-2154.
    Alissa Nourse
    Executive Director
    Tahoe Youth & Family Services

  5. Careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: December 20, 2010

    Jobs are the most important thing a company can give, good jobs are better yet, and if they give back to the community, all the better.

  6. Parker says - Posted: December 20, 2010

    You know Vail didn’t create the jobs at Heavenly. The 4 partners led by Kuraisa that created the ski resort did! If Vail ever wants to walk away from Heavenly, I’m sure there’s a long line of ski resort operators that would gladly take its place and continue employing all those who work there!

    People used to think the previous owners of Heavenly were tightfisted, but Vail has clearly set that bar even higher (or lower?)! To quote, Mr. Carrig, “I don’t like donating to local organizations because then they credit, and we (Heavenly/Vail) don’t!”

    But in a free society that’s Vail Corporations free choice to make! What aggravates many in the community is the arrogance then with which Vail mgt. conducts itself. Plus how, even though they give way less than their competitors, Vail still tries to insist and pressure businesses in the town to only work with them!

  7. steve says - Posted: December 20, 2010

    Parker, is that family name Kuderna v. Kuraisa?

  8. Parker says - Posted: December 20, 2010

    Steve, I’m referring to that guy in 1955 that thought up Heavenly, and forged a partnership to create the resort of himself and three others who I think were named Cannon, Musso & Gersick. I think/thought his last name was Kuraisa?