Community dinner a success because of volunteers, donors

To the community,

St. Theresa’s 5th Annual Community Christmas Dinner was a heartwarming success thanks to all of the wonderful volunteers who came out to plan, organize, decorate, set-up, shop, cook, greet, serve, entertain and clean up; far too many to name, but you all know who you are. In all, about 200 meals were served on Christmas Day in Grace Hall and Santa Claus passed out gifts and candy canes during a brief stop.

Special thanks to our “secret Santa” who has donated the prime rib for this special dinner each and every year. And thanks to Safeway for selling it at a discount. Mega thanks to Jeanette and her crew at the El Dorado County Jail who provided all of the baked goodies and helped prepare some of the side dishes, too. And thanks to all those who contributed money, food and gifts for the occasion.

Peace and blessings to all who made Christmas a special celebration for many who wouldn’t have otherwise had one. You’re the greatest.

Fondest Regards,

Vicki Raucci Gonzales, Sue Jackson and Tiffany Davis Kostelnik