Congress may approve LT Restoration Act in lame duck session

By Darren Goode, Politico

Democratic efforts to push through more than 100 public lands and water bills in the lame duck session are reaching a fever pitch, with the recognition this is the last chance many of them have to become law.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., has tasked Democratic leaders on at least three committees to come up with a list of bills that could get past a GOP filibuster.

The Lake Tahoe Restoration Act could be approved in this congressional session. Photo/Kathryn Reed

The Lake Tahoe Restoration Act could be approved in this congressional session. Photo/Kathryn Reed

They may also need to be able to secure the two-thirds support that would be needed if the House tries to expedite the package without amendments in a tight legislative calendar.

Senate Environment and Public Works Chairwoman Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., told reporters Thursday that she has given Reid a draft list of bills to consider. That evolving list is believed to include plans to provide protection to the Chesapeake Bay, Great Lakes, Lake Tahoe, the Gulf of Mexico and the San Francisco Bay.

“The issue is getting 60 votes, which we think we can,” Boxer said.

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