Garbage rates on South Shore increasing in 2011


By Kathryn Reed

Most South Tahoe Refuse customers can expect to pay a few pennies more a month for garbage service starting Jan. 1

The cost of living adjustment for South Lake Tahoe, El Dorado County and Douglas County is based on seven consumer price indices. Based on the franchise agreements STR has with the three entities this is considered a non-discretionary rate increase – meaning it’s automatic even though each governing body will vote on it.

STRThe City Council, after the three new members are sworn in Dec. 14 at 9am, is expected to approve this as part of the consent agenda. Douglas County commissioners have the increase on their Dec. 16 agenda. El Dorado County supervisors have not set a date.

For South Lake Tahoe, the 1.52 percent increase would equate to 35 cents more a month for residential customers. The 0.59 percent  increase for one can pick up in Douglas County means 9 cents more a month, or 18 cents for two can pick up. El Dorado customers are likely to see a 1.9 percent increase.

The point of the COLA is to maintain operating expenses.

Every four years the refuse company can ask for a more substantive rate increase through what’s called a general reset. That four-year cycle comes up next year. This means talks will start in 2011 and the adjustment would take effect in 2012.

“We look at the revenues of the company versus expenses and adjust the rates,” explained Terry Trease, STR controller. “The last thing people want is a rate increase. We’ve been given our marching orders to do what we can, to max out diversion with the personnel we have.”

Even though the company is meeting the state mandate of recycling 50 percent of the waste collected, it wants to do more. But doing more could mean more trucks or some other expense on the bottom line. STR is weighing the cost-effectiveness of all of its programs, Trease said.


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Comments (15)
  1. steve says - Posted: December 11, 2010

    STR needs to pay off those new big buildings. The owners also need to pay their mortgages on their mansions. By the way, an increase in cost of living?

  2. TahoeKaren says - Posted: December 11, 2010

    What cost of living increase? Social Security is frozen for two years and most employers are unable to give raises. Marchini just sits back and laughs at all of us. Where is Waste Management when you need them??

  3. tahoeadvocate says - Posted: December 11, 2010

    A State mandate to recycle 50% of the waste collected is the same as a tax.
    I don’t see the cost to meet this mandate broken out on my bill. It should be so we all know how much we really pay in taxes. Any cost to do more should not be absorbed by the customers. If the company wants to spend its profits that is their perogitive but don’t pass it on to me.

  4. Mt Gal says - Posted: December 11, 2010

    Gotta agree ‘another increase’. WTF

  5. Geeper says - Posted: December 11, 2010

    Trash and water…ression proof for sure.

  6. Parker says - Posted: December 11, 2010

    The shamelessness of a COLA in these times is so bad, that if the Council does approve it, well… I’m speechless except to state that I guess Tom Davis will be no different than a Kathay Lovell. He’ll just go along with whatever the powers that be tell him?! But I guess I should withhold judgement until the vote?!

  7. Steve says - Posted: December 11, 2010

    One would think STR’s expenses would be going down, with fewer and fewer people living here full time and less trash to pick with fewer stops, less sorting, lower dump fees. But their revenue stream stays the same, or increases, as more homes are built, yet with less full-time primary residences. And with depressed business levels, less trash from from that source to sort and transfer.

    Makes no sense.

  8. DAVID DEWITT says - Posted: December 11, 2010

    Trash collection is the only thing that is reliable on the hill. How do you think they are going to pay for the new 3RD ST transfer station?

  9. Linda says - Posted: December 12, 2010

    My mother lives in San Jose and pays $55 EVERY month (not quarterly) for 1 garbage can and the lid must be closed, no overfilling and no bags (or $6 extra charge), 1 recycling container and yard trimmings put in the street. If the cans aren’t on the street they don’t pick them up – not 6″ back, ON the street. Emptied, they are left on the street. There is no savings in volume when Waste Management has the contract.

  10. Robert Miles says - Posted: December 12, 2010

    I would like to say thank you to STR and the families that own and operate the business. At any youth sporting event they will be sponsoring it somehow. I would like to know who is the largest supporter of youth athletics and other functions in this community. I would believe it would point back to them. I am not going to preach but i would just like to say thank you to John and Jeff and the rest of the families involved.

  11. Bob says - Posted: December 12, 2010

    I hope the recent property purchase by STR within the last 60 days is to the benefit of all of our trash paying citizens. Has anyone heard what STR is going to do with the property they just purchased on Eloise Avenue?

  12. Chris says - Posted: January 18, 2011

    I just heard I cannot cancel my garbage service even though I live in Sierra Tract, which is obviously not a vacation area. I am leaving town for a few months and they claim my garbage collection fee is tied to my electricity bill. Is this some kind of bizarre monopoly? is this Legal? how is wanting to keep my freezer on for a few months tied to my garbage collection??? the fact is I live alone and rarely even put any garbage out and if I’m gone for many months and put nothing out and don’t use the service how can i be charged??
    the woman on the phone says 1 bag and 10 bags is all the same?? yet they WILL charge me more if i put out oversized or extra bags/cans!!
    Does anyone have any advice for me? (besides shutting off my electricity?) I’m thinking of a class action law suit???

  13. Fibonachi says - Posted: February 3, 2012

    This company has not given its employees a cost of living raise in four years now.I know cause I work there. Also im hard pressed to find any other trash company in the us with such low wages its pathetic. After extensive research our wages are about four dollars an hour lower than average and don’t use the benefits as an excuse because they are not good trust me I recently got a hospital bill that ill need to finance for a few years cause the insurance sucks. Oh yeah pension…. they took that to pay for there new houses. Sorry but the truth hurts huh.

  14. Hang Ups From Way Back says - Posted: February 3, 2012

    They reap big bucks to second home owners who pay year round, just like spud,WHO ARE VERY $ELDOM HERE.
    The word is Greed.
    But have seen a few new shiny trucks, what Jeffy driving now, A Royce?