Harveys-Harrah’s employees enrich holidays at Boys & Girls Club

H.E.R.O (Harrah’s Employees Reaching Out) recently hosted a holiday family event with more than 75 Boys & Girls Club members and their families at the club’s main site in South Lake Tahoe.

Harrah’s-Harveys donated 35 gingerbread house kits and all the materials to make wreaths. Santa was there to make sure everyone had a chance to deliver their Christmas wishes, while 12 “H.E.R.O.s” assisted with the event.

The club provided a free chili dinner while families had a chance to spend time together. This event is an example of the programs and services the Boys & Girls Club is able to provide for more than 650 youth ages 5-18 and their families with the support of the business community and volunteers.

The club extends their gratitude to Harrah’s/Harveys for their support. What a wonderful way to express the holiday spirit.

To find out more about the Boys & Girls Club and how you can make a difference in a young person’s life, visit

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Comments (6)
  1. Mo says - Posted: December 27, 2010

    Harrahs-Harveys also donated shampoo-soap and accessories packages to the Christmas dinner at St. Theresa’s to give out to the homeless and needy who attended the dinner.
    Kudos to them!

  2. Laurie says - Posted: December 27, 2010

    Once again, the employees of Harrah’s and Harvey’s come forward to assist our community and give a step up to others. Kudos to them and the administration that promotes these ideals!!!

  3. HARDtoMAKEaLIVINGinTAHOE says - Posted: December 27, 2010

    Club workers are about the only people left here that have jobs…..and the customers are getting very sparse from down the hill.

    Have to admit our entertainment in town is terrible,no brand names come here but go to Reno to perform.
    People complain about the gambling ,say it’s washed up,if the clubs were washed up ,there would be very few people here. Skiing,Biking,boating,hiking,timeshares,can’t feed the winter hunger or business that need customers either.

    If you wanted to feel the pain,on Christmas day, took a ride all over this town ,of course allot business were closed, but you know what,you can see all the stores that sit empty of life.There are many,lots regulars that came here for years didn’t show up this year.

    I see so many places that gone,remember when they had tenants,life,activity.

    In my many ,many, years of living here,it made me see just how close this town is on the edge of collapse.
    “It’s very Sad” for all us that seen better times.

  4. TahoeMich says - Posted: December 27, 2010

    Yes the entertainment in this town is not what it used to be. But people are still coming to Tahoe, occupancy rates are up this holiday season, traffic is heavy. Maybe business’s need to reinvent themselves to cater to different needs. I think the tourists are there they are just looking for something different, some other way to spend their hard earned income.

  5. 30yearlocal says - Posted: December 28, 2010

    Hard…in the old days the casinos were the major employers but that isn’t so much the case anymore. Caesars had 1400 employees, but I bet MontBleu is more like 550-600 and I would estimate Harrahs and Harveys have cut way back over the years. Look at the school district, college and Barton as the major employers.

    Its all a Catch22…you need the casinos and other hospitality employers to do well in order for the schools and hospital to be able to keep their employees.

    The quality of entertainment has been greatly reduced except for the summer Harveys series (I can’t afford that one, for sure). The costs for a top performer are huge….if you have a top 10 singer they may charge 150k-200k a show (or more), and with a showroom that fits 1200, they’d have to charge $125 and up to break even. “In the old days” the casinos would charge less than cost for shows (and food and drink)in order to drive play at the tables, but that isn’t the case in this day and age.

    Our community will work if we continue to offer a diverse experience and not put all eggs in one basket.

    HEROs…thank you for continuing to support those in need in our community.

  6. HARDtoMAKEaLIVINGinTAHOE says - Posted: December 28, 2010

    30 year, look at the entertainment as a nation whole,the profits were down all over the country.There was a big write up that even the performers themselves are disappointed, want lower ticket prices.
    Starting next year, they are going to lower ticket prices because the lack of attendances.
    They would rather play to a packed house for a cheaper price than play to a 1/2 empty audiences.
    They say they will make up the lack of profits in sells of other promotional products as t-shirts ,brews,Etc.

    Now that doesn’t mean that boil over to business here in Tahoe, because they rather starve, than have tons people here at a affordable price,been proven ,take a look around.

    They want high end players ,not the 5 to 25 players,they are the ones who leave, walk around, buy crap they don’t need.