Crime prevention conference in Minden

Douglas County Sheriff’s Department and Reno Police Department are partnering to support the Crime Prevention Conference for area property owners, managers, and law enforcement officials.

This is an innovative, law enforcement based crime prevention solution designed to help “Keep Illegal Activity out of Rental Property”.

The free conference is Jan. 13 from 8am-5pm at the Carson Valley Inn, 1627 Highway 395, Minden.

The program was developed in 1992 by Tim Zehring, a retired 22-year veteran of the Mesa (Ariz.) Police Department.

The program consists of three phases that must be completed under the supervision of your local law enforcement agency. Property managers can become individually certified after completing training in each phase and the property becomes certified upon successful completion of all three phases.

The anticipated benefits are reduced law enforcement calls for service, a more stable resident base, and reduced exposure to civil liability.

When drug criminals and other destructive tenants operate out of rental property, neighborhoods suffer and owners and landlords pay a high price. That price may include:

• Decline in property values — particularly when the activity begins affecting the reputation of the neighborhood.

• Property damage arising from abuse, retaliation, or neglect; property damage from police raids.

• Fire resulting from manufacturing or growing operations. Civil penalties, including temporary closure of the property — or even property seizure. Loss of rent during the eviction and repair periods.

• Fear and frustration when dealing with dangerous and threatening tenants. Increased resentment and anger between neighbors and property managers.

• The loss of other valued tenants.

To reserve a spot, call Melanie Arnold at (775) 790.6694.