Nevada addresses transportation concerns through social media

With funding for Nevada roads declining and double-digit unemployment rates, Nevadans have a chance to voice their transportation-related concerns and suggestions to Congress through the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials’ “I Told Congress About Transportation” social media campaign.

The national campaign uses Facebook, YouTube videos and written comments to help people share their ideas, concerns and videos with Congress to build awareness and support for greater investment in America’s transportation jobs and systems. The campaign is supported by the Nevada Department of Transportation.

“Nevada’s transportation system is facing a multibillion-dollar funding shortfall over coming years,” Susan Martinovich, NDOT director and president of AASHTO, said in a press release. “That is money that won’t be there to build new capacity and maintain the existing roads that each of us rely on and that support Nevada’s economy. Just as important is an investment in jobs; jobs which produce a product that will benefit thousands of people for many years. With this campaign, Nevadans can let Congress know how important our roads are, and let Congress know that federal funding is needed to keep people working and to keep roads open and operating.”

To see what has already been said or to make comments, Nevadans may log on here.