Opinion: Axed LTCC employee reaches out to ex-colleagues

Publisher’s note: This is an email sent by Craig Brinkman to Lake Tahoe Community College staff that was given to Lake Tahoe News by a college employee. See the Jan. 22 feature story for more insight about the issue.

To the LTCC Classified Staff,

This is a note to say, simply, thank you for affording me the opportunity to be of service to you and students at Lake Tahoe Community College. While many of you were as uncomfortable with change at the beginning as the Board and Administrators, you stepped up to the plate and made it happen for the past two years. In the past 20 years of project managing systems implementations, I have not worked with a more dedicated, capable or professional group of people.

The events of the past week have, I know, been difficult and troubling and the way forward may, at this point, seem unclear, but as a group you can and will, as always, get the job done on behalf of the students.

A big part of the job of the Project Manager in the process of change is to “tell it like it is”, because the failure to accept the realities of the present condemns the organization to failure in the changes that it needs to make. This is an often uncomfortable and contentious position to be in but I have long since accepted that successful change is not possible without a firm grip on reality.

The College faces significant problems because of years of the denial of reality by the Board and the Administrations, who have shoved the “tough problems” under rugs, into drawers and out of sight. As long as the facilities look okay and are clean, they must be okay … even if we don’t spend anything on the boilers, electrical systems, ventilation systems or controls. The same has been true in telecommunications systems, information systems and, most unfortunately, in the support for classified staff. How many years has it been since the Administration said to you “we will provide you with training to ensure that you can do the best possible job for our students” and then actually delivered?

Remember that you are uniquely qualified to assist in leading the College into the future…you are the only group of people on campus who are all of the following:







You, more than any other group on campus, hold the future of the institution in your hands. Your experience, commitment, knowledge and actions can change the College for the better. Use your CEA to make it clear to both Administration and the Board that the small, elite group composed of some of the Administrators, Faculty and Board members who have defined the College for the past 20 years have failed you and the students. South Lake Tahoe is hurting economically, yet the College is truly isolated from this reality, offering the community little in terms of economic development, vocational training or other programs to ensure you and your fellow citizens of a bright future.

Remember at the end of the day, you are the ones who can make the difference in real change at the College, because you understand the problems, can define solutions and, most importantly, can vote. There is no more powerful tool in the toolkit of change than voting.

My best to each and every one of you,


PS: Note to the Administration – I have been saying for two years you should take the email addresses off of the College website and restrict the use of the All LTCC lists….maybe now you will. ;)