Opinion: Siberia has the answers to climate change


By Judah Cohen

The earth continues to get warmer, yet it’s feeling a lot colder outside. Over the past few weeks, subzero temperatures in Poland claimed 66 lives; snow arrived in Seattle well before the winter solstice, and fell heavily enough in Minneapolis to make the roof of the Metrodome collapse; and last week blizzards closed Europe’s busiest airports in London and Frankfurt for days, stranding holiday travelers. The snow and record cold have invaded the Eastern United States, with more bad weather predicted.

All of this cold was met with perfect comic timing by the release of a World Meteorological Organization report showing that 2010 will probably be among the three warmest years on record, and 2001 through 2010 the warmest decade on record.

How can we reconcile this? The not-so-obvious short answer is that the overall warming of the atmosphere is actually creating cold-weather extremes. Last winter, too, was exceptionally snowy and cold across the Eastern United States and Eurasia, as were seven of the previous nine winters.

For a more detailed explanation, we must turn our attention to the snow in Siberia.

Annual cycles like El Niño/Southern Oscillation, solar variability and global ocean currents cannot account for recent winter cooling. And though it is well documented that the earth’s frozen areas are in retreat, evidence of thinning Arctic sea ice does not explain why the world’s major cities are having colder winters.

Judah Cohen is the director of seasonal forecasting at an atmospheric and environmental research firm.

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Comments (6)
  1. Steve Kubby says - Posted: January 2, 2011

    Increased snow cover in Siberia is widely accepted as a key factor in our current extreme weather. But wait, we are told snow cover is decreasing. And record warm temperatures have been recorded, along with widespread low temperatures as well. But what does it really mean? One could argue that it is a heat transfer problem as much as heat itself. However, it does seem that nearly all atmospheric scientists ignore findings outside of their own discipline, as is the case here. Once again, this atmospheric scientist completely ignores the latest and most accurate findings of astrophysics which forecasts significantly reduced output of the sun.

  2. irony says - Posted: January 2, 2011

    Judah Goebbels at it again. Judah, how big was your last government contract to study global warming? Another selfish, delusional hypocrite looking to make a buck with carefully selected data as to make a pseudoscientific nonpoint.
    Why don’t you crawl back into your snow cave and take your antipsychotic medicine. You will feel better. And there have numerous government studies reaffirming the benefits of snow caves and antipsychotics. Check out the UCLA department of psychiatry website for further info.

  3. Mo says - Posted: January 2, 2011

    Can we say self serving tunnel vision?

  4. Michael says - Posted: January 2, 2011

    It seems that little has changed, everyone talks about the weather but no one does anything about it. That is simply because it is completely beyond our ability to change.

  5. fpogen says - Posted: January 2, 2011

    Once again, this atmospheric scientist completely ignores the latest and most accurate findings of astrophysics which forecasts significantly reduced output of the sun.

    Anyone who read that study will know that it does not attempt to refute climate change.

    Irony: So all you have to counter the statements of scientists are personal attacks? Too bad there are not any publications in journals that back up your denial of climate change.

  6. irony says - Posted: January 2, 2011

    Never denied climate change. If you read more you would know Tahoe was under a glacier 10,000 years ago. Do you deny that? The question is: Is man the cause by the use of hydrocarbon fuels and its byproduct carbon dioxide?
    The anthroprogenic global warming folks have neatly dropped “global warming” in favor of “climate change” to clean up their act. They still want you to give up the use of hydrocarbons.
    If you call the use of humor to refute dribble personal attacks, so be it. LOL