S. Tahoe commission appointments become personal


By Kathryn Reed

In a thinly veiled attempt to deny Ted Long a seat on the South Lake Tahoe Planning Commission, the City Council on Tuesday delayed appointments to that board for two weeks.

“We can wait so we don’t get a candidate by default,” Councilman Bruce Grego said in his desire to postpone the Planning Commission selection.

sltGrego repeatedly cautioned his colleagues that just one vote for a person is good enough to get them appointed. It doesn’t take a majority of the council. That rule may be revisited in the future.

Five people applied for the five-member Planning Commission.

Long, a controversial ex-councilman, filed for six commission seats. He was appointed to two on Jan. 11 – the Latino Affairs Commission and Delinquent Refuse Hearing Board.

One of the problems with the application process is the person does not have an opportunity to rank which seats he or she would prefer to be on or how many. It’s possible Long or anyone else has an interest in serving their community in various ways, but not necessarily for all seats applied for.

For those who are interested in serving on the Planning Commission, contact City Clerk Suzie Alessi at Those who applied in the initial round need not reapply.

The Parks and Recreation, and Airport commissions received the most number of candidates, while some received the minimum, and the General Plan Advisory Commission is short a member.

Much discussion centered on a potential conflict of interest Claudio Bellotto may have by being appointed to the Airport Commission because he operates a helicopter business out of Lake Tahoe Airport. While this was ruled to not be a conflict, nothing was brought up about the fact he is dating the airport’s senior administrative assistant.

The council put him on the commission.

Appointments made Tuesday include:

• Airport Commission – Bellotto, Kris Keesling, Ike Marr.

• Building Board of Appeals – Keith Cloutier, David Huber, Dale Rise, Randy Vogelgesang, Robert Wirth.

• Delinquent Refuse Hearing Board – Long, David Kelly, David Newell.

• General Plan Advisory Commission – Richard Belli.

• Latino Affairs Commission – Long, Pedro Lopez, Paul Moniot, Mary Rodriquez, Liliana Sanchez Ruvalcaba.

• Parks and Recreation Commission – Seth Martin, Jonathan Moore, Chip Morrill, Jennifer Scanio, Les Wright.

• Sustainability Commission – Newell, Morrill, Jason Collin, Joy Curry, Juliana Prosperi, Kay Ogden, Tom Wendell.


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Comments (21)
  1. Jonathan Moore says - Posted: January 13, 2011

    Thank you for the appointment to the Parks and Recreation Commission. I will do my best to represent and serve both the residents and visitors to South Lake Tahoe. I would encourage everyone to come to a commission meeting, any commission, and express your thoughts and ideas about the important issues of our town.

  2. dogwoman says - Posted: January 13, 2011

    PLEASE, somebody who lives in the city, PLEASE apply for a seat on the planning commission. If you don’t, we’ve got Ted Long back in the cat-bird seat! We need to keep him away from any position of power in the city. If I lived within the city limits I would apply myself, but I don’t. So please, somebody, for all our sakes, do it!

  3. HARDtoMAKEaLIVINGinTAHOE says - Posted: January 13, 2011

    Dog, it’s amazing how all these same old people who screwed us in yesteryear, still have the guts to reapply….no wonder nothing ever really changes.

  4. Tahoe Freedom Fighter says - Posted: January 13, 2011

    Claudio Bellato is not only dating but he is to be married to Krista Essinger, the Airport’s senior administrative assistant. This is clearly a conflict of interest! He should either withdraw from the commission or Ms. Essinger should find another job. Nepotism is rampant among City employees. The Airport manager is dating the Fire Marshall, the Redevelopment Director is married to the assistant City Clerk, ad infinitum……

    We need to keep Ted Long’s fingers off
    City business! He caused enough problems during his past involvement with the City and the Clean Tahoe committee, plus the City will spend a fortune correcting his spelling.

  5. Ernie Claudio says - Posted: March 8, 2011

    Dogwoman is correct – unless you are willing to step up to the plate and volunteer like Ted Long has done,
    PLEASE keep your mouth shut about Ted or any of the other Commissioners.
    Ted Long is doing a great job on the Latino Affairs Commission. South Lake Tahoe is thirty percent Latino and the Latino community want more street lighting, more police patrols and more affordable housing. Please come to our meetings and help us. We meet on the third Monday of every month at 6:00 p.m. at Bijou School.

  6. Full Time says - Posted: March 8, 2011

    Ernie I agree with you and thank you and all the others for giving their time, people like Hard above just like to complain and stay on the sidelines. I also volunteer a lot of my time to help this community, it’s what we should be doing.

  7. Ted Long says - Posted: March 8, 2011

    I appreciate the kind words I can only add that my service to the city comes from my desire to make a difference where I live and have never gotton any personal gain, I do wish those that hide behind plog names would have the courage to talk to me directly as I do serouly question their motives. I yearn for the days when reporting had to be honest, and the person attacked would be contacted for their side of the story, today anyone can say anything on the internet and it is a real shame. I have contacted Bruce and asked for a sit down meeting with him, I have nothing to hide and welcome debate (on the issues).

  8. DAVID DEWITT says - Posted: March 8, 2011

    Ted long and the planning are a perfect match.

  9. KINKYLOVER says - Posted: March 8, 2011

    Yes DAVID, maybe a long walk on a short pier.”That’s real planning”!!

    People here have to keep giving, cause there’s no alternative.
    Too much budget shortfall from all the things you couldn’t do without have caught up and the holes are a testament to that.The county Seat doesn’t even want claim this part the slopes,that’s got tell you something right there,but as usual no one listens here,it’s Tahoe,we got a lake,and the main employers are in Nevada ,along with ,shopping,main attraction.
    The tourist have to pass through here to get to there or there would be no town.
    Charity FEEDING THE TOWN cause THERE’S NO REAL other options. Nice that people really like to make themselves feel like they are carrying the city by all the good deeds but can’t correct backwoods political sense.
    History stands still here, cause it’s the same Dino bunch fighting over the pie that’s got real small.
    Take away the national holidays and this place would dry up wash away.
    This is a reality check,and your bank accounts ,credit don’t lie.
    Jan to March 8Th for a response,reminds me of the business owners,that leave for lunch never come back that day.Signs say they open at 8 but don’t show up till 10.30.
    But here’s a long lost secret,try lakeside inn,Harrah’s,Blue,yep there you go,playing a video poker machine praying for a royal,or a trying to get someones else hubby or wife to come on over why the dog away.
    Yep that’s the Tahoe lifestyle,and most love every day of it.
    In case you haven’t noticed the trend “It’s every dog for themselves” and that’s the truth.

  10. dogwoman says - Posted: March 8, 2011

    Mr. Long, honestly! You say that you want us to identify ourselves instead of hiding behind blog names but in the past when I’ve commented on your performance as a city official (a public person) you’ve said you would SUE ME! Why on earth would I tell you who I am? I’m not a lawyer like you are. I’d have to pay someone to defend me from a niusance law suit.

  11. Skibum says - Posted: March 9, 2011

    I was at the meetings where Ted was denied at it was totally, 100% a tactic that kept Ted off the commission. One of the council members even commented on that and used the phrase word “assasination”. Kae won’t even print his first name in the list of commission members lol. Whether Ted will be on the commission or not will remain to be seen as like him or not he does care about this town and is at least willing to step forward and it still takes a majority vote. As far as identifying who these anonymous bloggers, commenter’s and so called “expert opinionators” are who cares. Their comments mean absolutley nothing other than entertainment and hold no real weight or meaning. The only real reason anyone won’t print their name is they don’t want to look foolish when they spout nonsense. I do think if someone spews their “facts” in these blogs they should put their name as that will hold more weight, other than that it’s entertainment. It’s also an easy way to bully others by hiding behind the skirts of others as they yap. Anyway, put Ted on the commission and be done with it. I also told one council member that it was pretty blatent what they did to Ted and they actually agreed. Ken Curtzwiler

  12. try again says - Posted: March 9, 2011

    Ken .. you read as well as you write. Ted Long’s full name is in the first paragraph of the story. His last name is used on second reference like it is for all the people listed.

  13. KINKYLOVER says - Posted: March 9, 2011

    Pats (tahoe Dan Rather)(skibum)on head for a entertainment,carrying weight,wanting a skirt to put his head under.
    Your paper so lousy it won’t even start a fire in my wood burning stove.

  14. Julie Threewit says - Posted: March 9, 2011

    I love you Kenny!

  15. KINKYLOVER says - Posted: March 9, 2011

    THERE YOU GO KENNY,better hurry before she puts on pants.


  16. Skibum says - Posted: March 9, 2011

    Delinquent Refuse Hearing Board – Long, David Kelly, David Newell.
    Latino Affairs Commission – Long, Pedro Lopez, Paul Moniot, Mary Rodriquez, Liliana Sanchez Ruvalcaba.
    Kinky, here is what I meant when I said she didn’t use his first name like everyone else. Perhaps you should read something first and btw, It’s not my paper, it’s The Mountain News which is owned by Taylor Flynn Once again you have taken away my fun to pointing out how moronic your rants are, you seem to do very well on your own. Thanks. My friends call me Kenny but you can call Mr. Bum lol.

  17. try again says - Posted: March 9, 2011

    But she was consistent with style, so it’s not a Ted Long thing. The comment stands, Ken, learn to read before you write some stupid lie. Save it for the Mountain News.

    • Airport Commission – Bellotto, Kris Keesling, Ike Marr.
    • Sustainability Commission – Newell, Morrill, Jason Collin, Joy Curry, Juliana Prosperi, Kay Ogden, Tom Wendell.

  18. Skibum says - Posted: March 9, 2011

    Thanks, I will try.

  19. Frank W says - Posted: March 9, 2011

    If you know anything about writing, once you mention a name, no need to repeat the first and last name again, the writer expects the reader to be smart enough to figure out when Ted Long in mentioned throughout the article, no need to list his full name again. If you look at the list
    Claudio Bellotto is mentioned in the article, so only his last name is on the list appointed.
    Ted long same thing.
    David Newell’s full name was mentioned once , no need to list it again.

    Writers always do that, they only include the full name once.

    Seems to me Mr. Bum you jumped to conclusions again, just as you accuse others of doing.

  20. Skibum says - Posted: March 9, 2011

    You are correct Mr. Frank and I do know that and I stand corrected but only on the assumption that I do not know any writing skills. I was just pointing out the obvious as only I seem to notice. Thanks.

  21. DAVID DEWITT says - Posted: March 10, 2011

    I have a question just how are members of the planning commission chosen? Are there any requirements? If a person wanted on the planning commission and it was determined or suspected that it would be counter productive for that person to be on the commission just who would make make that decision? Can we not be adult about this situation ?