V-Day organizers recruiting participants, volunteers


2011 will be the eighth year South Lake Tahoe will have a V-Day celebration.

This year our community has once again been granted the privilege of producing an Eve Ensler production. It’s especially exciting because after a two-year break, local organizers are bringing back “The Vagina Monologues”, after a successful two years of “A Memory, A Monologue, A Rant and Prayer”. This community event raises money for local organizations: The South Lake Tahoe Women’s Center, Tahoe Youth & Family Services, and Court Appointed Special Advocates.

The fundraising is important, but even more so is the awareness and message that V-Day brings.

A casting call and volunteer meeting for all men and women interested in participating will be Jan. 7 at 6pm. For those who are interested, call or email or (775) 843.7142 for more information about the meeting location and details. V-Day is a worldwide organization spreading awareness, raising money for local organizations, and fighting violence against women and girls.

V-Day’s three core beliefs are:

Art has the power to reach, transform, and inspire to act.

Empowered women are unstoppable leaders and lasting social and cultural change is spread through their experience.

You cannot end violence against women without looking at the intersection of poverty, racism, the environment and war.

V-Day dreams of a world in which women and girls will be free to thrive, rather then merely survive.


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This article was written by admin


Comments (10)
  1. irony says - Posted: January 2, 2011

    I am waiting for P-Day cause men have every right to equal treatment by pubic institutions. Can C-Day (Claptrap-Day) be far behind with the non-sensical dribble provided in the above propaganda
    Was Lawrence Summers correct when he said men are better at math because their brains are different? OK ladies, charge.

  2. 30yearlocal says - Posted: January 2, 2011

    Irony…am sure you’re going to get a lot of warm, fuzzy feelings from the comments (I hope) are to follow….NOT!

    This is a fun-fundraiser performed by women but not for women. As you can see by the agencies that benefit they are not for women only. Even the Women’s Center has men as clients! They are all here for the betterment of our citizens and community.

    Summers may have said that men’s minds are different, but they didn’t say they were better. I am proud to be a multi-tasking mother, entrepreneur, intelligent, volunteer and participant in our community (and yes, I even aced calculus and maintained a 4.0 in college).

  3. irony says - Posted: January 2, 2011

    I left out Summers was run out of Boston and his presidency of Harvard by the the same insecure women and men fellow travelers as the proponents of THE DAY for making that comment. Women are now the majority of college students, make up 70 to 90% of vet students, and have infiltrated all levels of employment and government.
    Glad you are so accomplished. Congratulations.

  4. irony says - Posted: January 2, 2011

    Just wanted to add a web site article by Christina Hoff Sommers with her critic of THE DAY. It is Whether you agree with it or despise it, she writes with great style and thought, and will, I believe, make you ponder and think.

  5. Julie says - Posted: January 2, 2011

    V-Day is about ending violence against women and girls worldwide and proceeds from the play benefit local organizations who do this work too. Hard to be against that! Check out the V-Day website ( to see the important work V-Day does in Africa developing safe-houses for girls who have been submitted to genital mutilation or rape as a tool of war.

  6. nategoddess says - Posted: January 2, 2011

    Whoa, I didn’t think that V Day was still controvertial. Irony, you seem to have a some time on your hands, you are welcome to volunteer for this event, we raise lots of money every year for very important local non-profits. V Day isn’t an attack on men, we have a lot of male supporters. For the last two years we’ve had men read peices in the “A Memory, a Monologue, a Rant, and a Prayer” performances. Your sisters, mother, wife, and women in your life and women all over the world deserve to be heard and benefit from V Day. What’s wrong with trying to stop violence against women and spread the word about it?

  7. 30yearlocal says - Posted: January 2, 2011

    It’s a great event, and thank you for putting it on!

  8. irony says - Posted: January 2, 2011

    There is the article to read posted above. Have you read it? Probably to busy doing really important things.
    I see, it is what you accomplish, not how you go about doing it. Men can be useful idoits, see above post. Does the end justify the means? According to you folks, it does.

  9. Carri says - Posted: January 2, 2011

    for anyone looking to make lifelong new friends, connect with the community, and give back in a meaningful way…I highly recommend VDay!